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Mēbeļu ražošanas ceha vadītājs
Autors: Oļegs (FIORD) (217.199.99.---)
Datums: 18/05/2004 10:09

Darbs ar individuālo pasūtījumu. 9210417

Skilled mechanics and fabricator/welders
Autors: Fergus (213.226.159.---)
Datums: 20/05/2004 15:59

Vacancies in Birmingham UK

Skilled mechanics and fabricator/welders to provide maintenance work on a fleet of crawler cranes and piling equipment in Birmingham UK depot.

The employer will provide supervision, training and accommodation.
You will have good English and experience working with heavy plant.

Email CVs in English to: crewrecruit @

Include your salary expectations.

Telephone enquiries to: + 370 654 73889

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