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Ēkas siltināšana no iekšpuses.
Autors: Edgars420 (46.182.186.---)
Datums: 06/10/2023 11:50

Darbā griesti un sienas tiek siltinātas no iekšpuses. Pagājušo ziemu nāca kondensāts no grieztiem. 3 ziemas iepriekš arī nāca kondensāts no griestiem. Priekšniecība cer un tic ka uzliekot plēvi pa virsu problēma pazudīs. Vajag palīdzību uzzīmēt pāris grafikus ar formulām, lai pārliecinātu priekšniecību pieņemt lēmumu noņemt siltinājumu no 500 m2 grieztiem.
Gatavs šķirties no 100 eiro par kvalitatīvu konsultāciju.

Re: Ēkas siltināšana no iekšpuses.
Autors: Edgars420 (46.182.186.---)
Datums: 06/10/2023 11:54

Pagājušo ziemu jau rakstīju vēstules priekšniecībai, bez panākumiem. Esmu ticis līdz grieztiem un gribu atgādināt vēlreiz par problēmu. Priekšniecība 85 gadi..
Apakšā mana nākamā vēstule, gribētos to papildināt ar cipariem.

Writing to you to voice my concerns about insulation on the ceiling.

On the wall, that doesn't has any insualtion, heat and cold will meat somewhere. If we assume that from one side heat and cold from other side is same number from zero to either side, they will meet at middle with zero degries.

Additing insulation to either side, we move a middle to the side where insulation is. If insulation is instaled from cold side, outside of the structure, we helping hot forces fight cold forces. In the wall, when seasons change, changes borders between good and bad.

In our case, we have the insulation on hot side of structure. Every year, sometimes multiple times a year, when cold days come, a middle of wall moves inside building.

For example, if outside minus 10 keeps for a week, its slowly penetrates a structure for 50%.
If there is insulation from outside, a stukture freezes only for 5 percent, and in next few days when temperature rises for few degrees, there will be not frozen on structure.

Opposite example, if there is insulation from inside, structure freezes 90%. Next few days temperature will rise and and sunshine the structure. It slowly melts awey top layers. We are left with big chunk of ice inside a structure.

Just imegine, that in february there was minus 15, 30 cm wall is frozen all throughout to minus 10 degries. Next march is just over plus 5 degries. In a week it will melt 10 cm from outside. From inside, becouse there is insulation, it stops heat from the room to attack a wall and melts just 10 cm. For next month you are left with frozen beton inside structures.

Concrate structures has inside iron and water. Iron and water when chenging temperature from cold to hot changes dimensions. Its not a big numbers, but we all know that pipe full with water in cold will brake.

Whater, that is inside a concrate every time when it freezes it expands, producing small cracks. Those small craks, next time when melted will feel up with more water that freezes again, expands more making more room.

Iron works as a antene that moves cold and hot inside concrate faster, than it can move in the clean concrate. Its caled a cold bridges.
According to our example, if there is insulation from inside, structure are frozen 90%, we drill wall for 20% and put a bolt inside. Part of the bolt that is inside building will be bringing cold. Cold metal in the air will be attracting water. Air molecules will be hitting cold, losing their energy, slowing down and becoming condensate. A water from air.

Water inside a bulding, on structure is never good. Water makes a iron parts rust.
Water is base of life. The animals and plants can't live with no water, the same is with fungus.
Fungus is most common in moist buildings. Infection of fungus can eat a wood structure, or can live on concrate structure, doing almost no harm to it, but be harmfull to residents.

Today we have insulation on the ceiling that last few winters was watering. There is a hope that plastic will stop air molecules from penetration through insulation and hitting cold beton to become water.

I want to say that there is no method or magic tape that can put plastic to cieling airtight.
Question is, will fungus grow on ceilings, but when. To this day, all water that was condensating inside insulation was evaporating, with a plastic over it, ot will be accumulating inside bubble.

Today, all fixtures that is on ceilings are heavily rusted. Beams are deep rusted and paint is destroyed. Fixtures that holding pipes are rusted inside insulation, becouse they are bringing cold and attracting moist.

The ceilings are structure that needs to be inspected. To see a cracks, if they form. We are living in seismic region.
For example, there is a crack. Small water is goin through. If there is no plastic, its just drops down and is noticed. If there is plastic, water is accumulated 3 meters over head, where no-one is looking befor bad is happend.

To put a plastic over a ceiling is much harder than to take off insulation.
I know there was spent a lot man-hours to put that insulation on, insultion cost money, but jus imagin finding fungus on ceiling when building is fully functional. That means destroying ceilings to clean fungus, and stopping everyday operations.

In the construction code that i have read, there is no insulation from inside. The main rule is that we have a strukture, and insultion from outside.

I am heartbroken thinking that my work is destined to be eaten by fungus.
I can't understand how helping to grow an ice cube inside a structure can help save heating energy.


Re: Ēkas siltināšana no iekšpuses.
Autors: Rasas punkts (212.3.192.---)
Datums: 06/10/2023 14:04

Tvaika izolācija (plēve) palīdzes,
ja jumts ir slīps un ar pareizu ventilācijas spraugu,
ja vate būs sausa un salaidumi būs labi salīmēti un nelaidīs cauri ūdens tvaiku no telpas uz vati
ja vatei ventilācijas spraugas pusē būs vēja / kondensāta plēve.

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