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Estrich grīdas
Autors: ()
Datums: 06/04/2021 21:21

Veicu remontu hruščovkā, 5. stāvs. Norāvu vecos dēļus un lāgas. Grīda šķība, augstuma starpība ap 15 cm. Domāju liet Estrich sauso betonu. Zem tā putaplasts ~10 cm un betona slānis 5 cm. Vai šiem darbiem nepieciešama būvatļauja?
Vai tomēr labāk izmantot peldošās grīdas ar keramzītu?

Re: Estrich grīdas
Autors: deformacijas šuve ()
Datums: 07/04/2021 10:34

Ja neplānojat mainīt durvju vietas, plānojumu, radiatorus utml pamanāmas ar acīm lietas, tad nav ko tērēt naudu un nervus. Ja grīdas līmenis paliks tāds pats, tad nav ko vispār iespringt. Es liktu peldoso gr'īdu, labāk slāpēs trokšņus no visām pusēm, kam ir vislielākā nozīme tādos dzīvokļos.

Re: Estrich grīdas
Autors: NickFury ()
Datums: 22/09/2022 21:07

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Re: Estrich grīdas
Autors: pullistasp ()
Datums: 18/01/2023 22:19

Without a plan, trying and hoping for inspiration is not something that domyessay reviews recommends. Students should instead begin by conceiving and developing concepts. The following stage for them is to compile a list of everything they do aside from school

Re: Estrich grīdas
Autors: Bob123aaa ()
Datums: 21/02/2023 12:11

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Re: Estrich grīdas
Autors: Bob123aa ()
Datums: 21/02/2023 12:12

Good post, very well written. If you need help writing an equally good post, article, or research paper, we will help you [] the result will surprise you!

Re: Estrich grīdas
Autors: marrontic ()
Datums: 03/10/2023 10:05

I really appreciate the developer's investment in this game. Basketball Stars is both attractive with the stressful situation of pitching, as well as tactical and talented. This makes the game a great choice for basketball fans.

Re: Estrich grīdas
Autors: James Duke ()
Datums: 27/11/2023 13:41

Estrich floors are strong and stylish, transforming spaces with home. affordable dissertation writing service are the best choice for trusted academic writing. In order to craft your academic success, trust this service for enduring quality and affordability, just as Estrich floor does.

Re: Estrich grīdas
Autors: Albert ()
Datums: 05/06/2024 18:36

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