Dienas jautājums :  Building.Lv Forums

Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: Tomeks (77.219.10.---)
Datums: 05/02/2023 14:52

Vēlējos jautāt ka pareizi uztaisīt/ielikt tvaika izolācija apkārt dūmvadam.

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: kubiks (95.68.23.---)
Datums: 05/02/2023 23:10

Alumīnija follija ir perfekta tvaika barjera.

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: Ugis S (212.3.193.---)
Datums: 06/02/2023 09:16

Es uzliktu metāla nosegplāksni tvaika izolācijas slānī, savienojumus aizsmērētu ar karstumziturīgu hermētiķi un pa perimetru ar tvaika izolācijas līmelnti pielīmētu plēvi.

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: Jampadracis (80.89.72.---)
Datums: 06/02/2023 09:38

Nu es ap skursteni ieliku 50% vairāk izolāciju, lai mazāks tvaika spiediens uz to zonu. Un tvaika plēves vietā ieliku cementšķiedru plātni bez nekādiem blīvējumiem ap skursteni.

Paļāvos uz principu, ka kondensācijas risks lielāks tur, kur plānāka izolācija.

Vēja plēves slānī izdarīju to pašu, ko tvaika plēves slānī.

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: specs (185.220.101.---)
Datums: 06/02/2023 11:14

Šis ir pareizais variants: 'Es uzliktu metāla nosegplāksni tvaika izolācijas slānī, savienojumus aizsmērētu ar karstumziturīgu hermētiķi un pa perimetru ar tvaika izolācijas līmelnti pielīmētu plēvi.'

Bet nu Jampadracis galīgi saputrojies būvfizikā

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: Jampadracis (80.89.74.---)
Datums: 06/02/2023 11:59

Šis ir mans pieņēmums. Lai paliek katram sava taisnība. Ekspluatēju 3 gadus, kondensāts no tā mezgla netek, vate arī sausa - cik nu var redzēt no apakšas (nav griestu apdare vēl uzlikta).

Kaukto hermētisku izveidot ap skursteni ar nedegošiem materiāliem ir īsts izaicinājums. Cik ilgi diez turēsies tas karstumizturīgais hermētiķis savienojumā ar bleķi/fibo?

Mans minējums, ka lielākā daļa pielīmē gan tvaika plēves, gan vēja membrānas pa taisno pie skursteņa ar līmlentām, degtspējīgas konstrukcijas attālumus no skursteņa ievērojot tikai koka karkasam. Šis ir arī redzams dažos populāros māju cēlāju blogos.

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: bonitabonitacaily (146.70.160.---)
Datums: 02/12/2024 08:35

Thank you for sharing this valuable knowledge! Play game smashy road free.

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: Min Seow (122.161.49.---)
Datums: 02/12/2024 08:45

Assignments are a vital part of academic life, and they come with their own set of challenges. Whether it’s a research paper, a case study, or a mathematical problem, students often struggle with understanding complex topics, managing time, or structuring their assignments properly. This can result in unnecessary stress and lower grades.

If you're seeking assignment help, MyAssignmentHelp is here to provide the guidance you need. Their team of experienced experts offers tailored support across various subjects, ensuring that students get high-quality, timely, and well-researched assignments. From solving intricate problems to offering advice on structuring essays, ensures you submit your best work, on time.

Why Consider Assignment Help
Expert Assistance: Access to professionals with in-depth knowledge of your subject.
Timely Delivery: Ensure your assignments are completed within the required deadlines.

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: Dolly Parton (122.161.49.---)
Datums: 03/12/2024 11:10

<p>Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It's great to see such an engaging discussion about the topic. I really appreciate the points raised, especially how different perspectives can shape our understanding of the matter. It&rsquo;s always insightful to hear from others who have firsthand experience.</p>
<p>For those of us who may also be juggling academic responsibilities alongside other pursuits, it&rsquo;s important to find reliable support. If you're struggling with writing essays or assignments, <strong>professional essay writing help</strong> from <strong>StudyProfy</strong> can make a big difference. Their team of expert writers can help you create high-quality essays that meet your academic standards.</p>
<p>Thanks again for the thoughtful conversation!</p>

Re: Dūmvads / tvaika izolācija
Autors: Dolly Parton (122.161.49.---)
Datums: 03/12/2024 11:15

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It's great to see such an engaging discussion about the topic. I really appreciate the points raised, especially how different perspectives can shape our understanding of the matter. It&rsquo;s always insightful to hear from others who have firsthand experience.

For those of us who may also be juggling academic responsibilities alongside other pursuits, it&rsquo;s important to find reliable support. If you're struggling with writing essays or assignments, professional essay writing help from StudyProfy can make a big difference. Their team of [] can help you create high-quality essays that meet your academic standards.

Thanks again for the thoughtful conversation!

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