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"Skonto" chief Indriksons pledges most properties as collateral - newspaper : - par būvniecību Latvijā

"Skonto" chief Indriksons pledges most properties as collateral - newspaper

Businessman Guntis Indriksons, the unofficial leader of "Skonto" Group, has pledged most of his properties as collateral in favor of businessman Jurijs Gorbovs, newspaper "Dienas Bizness" (DB) reports today.

Businessman Guntis Indriksons, the unofficial leader of "Skonto" Group, has pledged most of his properties as collateral in favor of businessman Jurijs Gorbovs, newspaper "Dienas Bizness" (DB) reports today.

Indriksons told LETA he did not want to comment on the deal and the information reported by DB. "These reports are in the interests of certain individuals, who want to spoil the to-be projects. I can only say that everything is all right with my business," Indriksons said, declining to disclose the names of the "saboteurs".

Indriksons also does not want to comment on the prospective project behind his pledging his shares in many enterprises. "The more you say about something before it happens, the more problems you'll have," he said.

The newspaper reports that Gorbovs has been pledged LVL 2.242 million in shares in such limited liability companies as "Skonto plan", "Skonto Wong", "Radio Skonto", "Skonto metals", "Zivju restorans Skonto", "Sarinda", "TV Riga", "Restorans Livonija", "Skonto nafta", "Skonto apsardzes dienests", "OBB", "Skonto", "Projektu vadibas agentura", "Celojumu birojs - Express travel", "Adeo nams", "Skonto datu sistemas" "Bel Trans", "Viesnica "Karavella", "Baltic Hospitality", "BZ 21", "Centrs 21", "Basketbola klubs "Skonto", "Hobi Latgale", "Multihalle", "NHF", "Kolekcijas" and the joint-stock company "Multibanka".

Said shares are all yet-unpledged shares in Latvia-registered enterprises held by Indriksons. Earlier Indriksons pledged shares in "Elizabetes centrs Ltd." as a collateral for LVL 1 million to Gorbovs. "Stadions Ltd." shares were pledged as collateral for LVL 3.51 million to the joint-stock "Latvijas Unibanka". The joint-stock "Parex Bank" accepted a pledge of shares in "Res Iimmobiles Ltd.", "Skonto FC Ltd." and "S5 Ltd." for LVL 20.56 million overall.

The market value of the latest portion of shares Indriksons has pledged as collateral is higher than the LVL 2.242 million noted in the Registry of Commercial Pledges. Indriksons did not explain this to LETA, reiterating that "everything is all right with his business". Neither he is going to contest the information reported by DB, because it would be a "waste of time".

According to "Lursoft" data, Gorbovs is one of the owners of "Mono G.B.S. Ltd." and "Kipsalas licis Ltd.", registered two weeks ago. The firm's other owner is "Kalnozols un partneri Ltd.". Gorbovs has worked as a director at "B.L. Property Agents", which runs one of the most well-known deserted buildings in downtown Riga at 6 Marijas Street, on the intersection of Marijas Street and Elizabetes Street.

Andris Lacars LETA
Copyright © LETA

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