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17th International Building Fair Estbuild 2013 will be opened! : - par būvniecību Latvijā

17th International Building Fair Estbuild 2013 will be opened!

17th International Building Fair Estbuild 2013 will be opened!
Foto: 17th International Building Fair Estbuild 2013 will be opened!

On Wednesday at 11 am the doors will be open 17th international building fair Estbuild 2013.  Estonia's largest professional trade show will be held April from 3 to 6, 2013 at the Estonian Fairs Centre.

During four days of exhibition have all construction professionals and those who interested in the opportunity to see latest products and best offers in the Estonian construction market.

Estbuild 2013 theme is all fields of engineering market, from design, general and special building works, construction machinery and mechanisms, building materials, finishing materials and interior construction management and construction of facilities to research, training, consulting and publishing.

At Estbuild 2013 participates 250 building companies from 7 countries. Fair includes all stationary pavilions and open area (total exposure area of 13 thousand sqm). Compared to last year, this year also used additional pavilion, which, however, was not able to accommodate all those wishing to participate in the fair.  Largest stands have Saint Gobain Construction Products Ltd, India Optimera, ESPAK, Wienerberger AS, Paroc AS, etc. Next to recognized construction manufacturers there are a significant number of companies participating for the first time, to whom participation in the fair is a good opportunity for penetration positions in the Estonian construction landscape.

Fair information program offers a number of professional as well as a wider interest warranted in the workshops.

17th International Building Fair Estbuild 2013 festive opening is on Wednesday 3rd April at 13.30 C-hall. Occur in the opening speeches by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Mr. Juhan Parts, Estonian Building Manufacturers Association Chairman Mr. Meelis Einstein and Estonian Fairs Ltd representative.

Estonia is building 2013 is open to visit:
Wednesday 3 April from 11:00 to 18:00
Thursday, 4 April, 10.00 - 18.00
Friday 5 April, 10.00 - 18.00
Saturday, 6 April from 10:00 to 17:00

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