2030 Framework: Who will reclaim Europe’s competitiveness and climate leadership?
Europe can no longer afford to pay lip service to the energy transition. Concrete progress has been made at local level, as shown by the 3,300+ cities that have developed far-reaching action plans in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors, but this enthusiasm can only be sustained if it is combined with proper European ambition and support.
The energy and climate targets proposed by the European Commission in its unambitious 2030 framework proposal are not underpinned by the relevant instruments that would make their implementation realistic. This illogical strategy, which risks hampering the block’s competitiveness and climate leadership, is made worse by the fact that local authorities, the actual game-changers in the process, are only marginally mentioned in the Commission’s document.
This is all the more striking considering that EU institutions representatives – such as Members of the European Parliament and Committee of the Regions- and a wide variety of stakeholders including NGOs, industry and civil society representatives have agreed to the need to empower local and regional authorities in driving the energy transition. They have done so notably by responding to Energy Cities’ consultation on "The awaited and still unpublished Communication: Empowering local and regional authorities to deliver the EU climate and energy objectives". The said communication will soon be updated to reflect all the contributions received so far.
Asserting Europe’s competitiveness
"Europe is sending a bad signal to investors, citizens and local authorities by downgrading its climate and energy ambitions. While European leaders fear for the block’s competitiveness, the energy transition that is being implemented by thousands of cities across the continent is creating local jobs, delivering tangible economic savings and fostering numerous business opportunities," said Energy Cities’ Executive Director Gérard Magnin.
Cities play an instrumental role in generating the social and economic benefits of the energy transition, not only by harvesting their local energy resources thus keeping money within the territory, but also by implementing integrated energy solutions, encouraging green public procurement and acting as role models towards citizens.
Climate leadership
The Covenant of Mayors initiative, with its 3,300+ submitted action plans is the only tangible showcase of Europe’s climate leadership. For the benefit of their citizens and the economy, European decision-makers should make sure these committed cities are given the necessary means and recognition to keep driving Europe towards a sustainable future.
The economic benefits of ambitious EU climate and energy policies have also been highlighted in the related press releases of Renovate Europe, the Heat Coalition and the Coalition of Energy Savings, all of which Energy Cities is a member.