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A water well – the Trojan horse for inexperienced homeowners : - par būvniecību Latvijā

A water well – the Trojan horse for inexperienced homeowners

A water well – the Trojan horse for inexperienced homeowners
Foto: A water well – the Trojan horse for inexperienced homeowners

Those building their first house are usually concerned with high prices for making foundations or roof construction and roofing. Usually these homeowners are shocked when they learn how thick one’s wallet has to be to pay for drilling and setting up a water well.  

The biggest constructions-related exhibition in The Baltic States "Resta 2014", which will take place in Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO on 24–27 April, will focus on water this year: uses and management of water in houses and cities, new water technologies and innovations. The participants of the exhibition will advise visitors on what to consider when setting up a water well, how to avoid dishonest water seekers and how to reduce water consumption for daily activities.


The head of company "Gelmita" Audrius Skrupskelis advises to ask where the neighbours have set up their wastewater treatment equipment prior to drilling a water well, as it is important to stick to the requirements for sanitary safety zone. In addition, it might make sense to drill the water well deeper into the more protected aquifer. It would prevent contamination, which is especially relevant in densely inhabited areas, in former gardening communities. Surface contamination can be prevented by setting up the water well in the higher place of the lot.

"When drilling a water well it is important to know the water demand, i.e. how many people are going to use the water, as well as the purpose – will the water be used only for drinking and household needs, or will there also be automated sprinkling machines installed. When hydro-geologists know the intended place for a water well, as well as the amount of water required, they use special maps to choose the optimal water bearing formation, i.e. they determine the depth of the well.  The error is usually in the margins of five meters", - stated the project director of "Artva" company Algirdas Kuzinas.

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The demand of water for a detached house usually does not exceed 1 – 3 m3/h. Water wells with the exploitation shaft of 125 mm are usually drilled to satisfy such demand. The price of such well, provided high quality materials are used and sandy rocks are drilled,  is 130-150 Lt/m. However, the price might rise to as much as 190-220 Lt/m, if it is necessary to drill through a hard rocks (dolomites, limestone), 190-220 Lt/m.

However, it is worth mentioning that fitting of water supply system – sealing the well neck, submersible pumps and their control and protection equipment, waterways - are not included in the price. The average price for setting up the water supply systems ranges from 5-7 thousand Lt (if hydrophore water supply system is installed) to 7-9 thousand Lt (if the regular pressure water supply system is installed) and over.
Depth of a standard well for a detached house is usually 40 meters, therefore the investments into water system may range anywhere from ten to eighteen thousand Lt. However, those who have little experience in the matter are often tricked, i.e. even if a proper water bearing formation is discovered closer to the surface, the well is further deepened for a dozen of meters.

"Usually the main criteria for choosing a contractor is the lowest price. This is what makes it possible to be tricked. Majority of honest companies working in the field conduct electrometric soil tests, which reveal the existing aquifers and their depth, only then, upon consulting with the customer, the best decision is made", - said A. Skrupskelis.
Owners of individual wells have to pay only for the electricity consumed by the water supply system, as household wells up with capacity of up to five m3/h are not subjected to resource tax. The standard power of the water supply systems used in households is 0,55 - 1,5 kW.

Anyone planning construction, renovation, renovation of engineering or heating systems, purchase of a new home, settling and greening the landscape will discover useful information in the biggest constructions-related exhibition in The Baltic States "Resta 2014", which will take place in Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO on 24–27 April. Over 500 participants from several countries are going to present their novelties in the exhibition this year; the exhibition is going to occupy all the exposition area of LITEXPO –33 000 m2.

For more information contact:
LITEXPO press centre
Tel. 8 620 81798
Email: r.keliuotyte@litexpolt


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