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BAU wins the Architects’ Darling® Award – for the second time in a row : - par būvniecību Latvijā

BAU wins the Architects’ Darling® Award – for the second time in a row

BAU wins the Architects’ Darling® Award – for the second  time in a row
Foto: BAU wins the Architects’ Darling® Award – for the second time in a row

For the second time in succession, German architects have chosen BAU,  the World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems, as  their most favorite trade show. At a gala event held on Tuesday, November  5, BAU was presented with the Architects’ Darling® Award, sponsored by  Heinze GmbH.

The award is based on the biggest survey of German architects this year. In  total around 2,000 architects and planners selected their favorites from over 200  manufacturers and brands in the construction industry. The coveted Phoenix  Statue, made of solid bronze, was awarded in 24 categories, and for the second  time, the "favorite trade fair" was among them.
Like last year, BAU was again able to win out over strong competition from the  whole of Germany for this award. Exhibition Director Mirko Arend and Press  Manager Johannes Manger were presented with the bronze Phoenix on the  evening of November 5 in the city of Celle, North Germany, in front of an  audience of over 250 invited guests.
Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Managing Director of Messe München, sees the award as  recognition for years of dedication to attracting the target group of architects and  planners to BAU. "BAU is a showcase for the future of building and architecture.
And the planners and architects like that. They also like our high-caliber forums,  are interested in our special exhibitions on key themes and of course they are impressed by the presentations of the exhibitors.

Word about the quality of BAU  has spread far and wide in the architectural community. With good reason this  event now welcomes top international stars from the world of architecture. We  are proud of this and we receive this award with thanks."
The next BAU takes place from January 19 to 24, 2015 at the Messe München  exhibition center. The last BAU, in January 2013, attracted over 235,000 trade  visitors, of which no less than 60,000 came from architectural and planning  offices. In terms of figures alone that makes BAU the world ́s premier event for  planners and architects.

About BAU
BAU, the World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems, is  the biggest and most important event in the sector. The last event took place  from January 14 to 19, 2013 at the Messe München exhibition center. Over  2,000 exhibitors from more than 40 countries and over 235,000 visitors from all  around the world took part in the show.
On display at BAU on 180,000 square meters of exhibition space – for years all  the available space has been fully booked – are architectural solutions,  materials and systems for commercial and residential construction and for  interior fit-out, for both new-build and renovation and modernization. Every two  years this event brings together market leaders from the sector to participate in  a unique international display of competence spanning all the construction

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BAU is also the world ́s largest trade fair for architects and construction  engineers, attracting more than 60,000 design professionals. The exhibits at the  fair are organized according to building material and also product and theme  areas. Key topics for the future of the industry, such as sustainability and  building for life, play an important role in all sections of the exhibition. The many
attractive events in the supporting program, including high-caliber forums with  experts from all over the world, round off this industry showcase.
The next BAU takes place from January 19 to 24, 2015 at the Messe München  exhibition center.

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