Bathroom prices in Lithuania: from 10 thousand to one million Litas
For Lithuanians, the bathroom and toilet are among the most important spaces in a house or a flat; and it is not a joke – according to experts, Lithuanians willingly invest big, and sometimes enormous, sums of money into furnishing these spaces.
Last year, "Geberit" combine ordered an independent survey on significance of the bathroom. People were asked what is important to them in their day-to-day lives: as many as 51 per cent of respondents stated that it is important to furnish a good bathroom at home. Whereas an exclusive car was mentioned among important purchases only by 38 per cent. As many as 70 per cent of respondents indicated that they devote time for relaxation after the day’s work in the bathroom, and 53 per cent claimed that they liked reading, listening to music and etc. in the bathroom.
The focus of the biggest constructions-related exhibition in The Baltic States "Resta 2014", which will take place in Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO on 24–27 April, is water. Therefore, a lot of attention will be devoted not only to water management and technologies, but also to plumbing. The participants of the exhibition will advise visitors on how to furnish modern bathroom and toilet, which meet the needs of the owner, bet at the same time are economical.
"We can distinguish several customer profiles: some pay more attention to design issues, others to functionality of the bathroom, reliability of equipment and its new and innovative functions. The latter usually go for toilets with water reservoirs concealed by drywall with a bad odour collector, sensory equipment, etc. Of course, we have to bear in mind that a number of clients purchase the cheapest plumbing, which serves for a very short time", - said technical and sales assistant of "Geberit" Karolis Bacevičius.
According to him, about 10 -15 thousand Litas are needed to furnish a standard bathroom (including tiles, plumbing and labour costs); however, the prices of exclusive bathrooms can reach 80-100 thousand Litas. Plumbing sales manager of "Celsis" company Vilnius subsidiary Aleksandras Bogdevičius revealed that the average price for setting up a bathroom in a house is 15-30 thousand Litas, whereas setting a bathroom in a flat costs 5-20 thousand Litas. However, according to him, the most expensive bathroom interior in Lithuania cost over a million Litas, and the highest price for equipment installed in a single apartment was somewhat less than 250 thousand Litas.
"Currently, new water-efficiency technologies are being developed. Modern water closet uses 2,5 -3,5 litres of water per wash, the current standard being 3 and 6 litres. Sensory contact-free taps, which help to save up to 50 per cent of water, are gaining popularity, new taps, which allow avowing contact with lead as the water is running, thus protecting allergic people and people’s health", - told A. Bogdevičius.
Experts noticed that the system with a toilet’s water reservoir concealed in the drywall is becoming popular (almost 70 percent of new bathrooms are furnished using this module), also more and more people choose showers without pads. One of the latest trends in the bathroom – a toilet pot with a washing function and integrated warm water shower, which makes paper unnecessary after using the toiled, body is washed with the warm water.
"Technologies allow controlling equipment in the bathroom, such as toilets, taps, steam saunas, with the help of mobile phone apps. This is the present. In the future, I believe, we shall not need the mobile phones as we will be able to control most of the equipment with our minds", - A. Bogdevičius forecasted the future of bathrooms.
Anyone planning construction, renovation, renovation of engineering or heating systems, purchase of a new home, settling and greening the landscape will discover useful information in the biggest constructions-related exhibition in The Baltic States "Resta 2014", which will take place in Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO on 24–27 April. The focus of this year’s exhibition – water: uses and management of water in houses and cities, new water technologies and innovations.
Over 500 participants from several countries are going to present their novelties in the exhibition, which is going to occupy all the exposition area of LITEXPO – 33 000 m2.
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