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Building company Merks will start building of the private houses village in Mārupe this fall : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Building company Merks will start building of the private houses village in Mārupe this fall

Agency LETA was informed at the company Merks, that it would start building of the private houses village in Mārupe this fall.

Agency LETA was informed at the company Merks, that it would start building of the private houses village in Mārupe this fall.

Discussions with the first customers already are started. Merks prognoses, that first living houses at the village could be finished next spring. Project of the village will be realized together with SIA Merks sister's company ELL nekustamie īpašumi that will work with the selling of living houses.

It's planned to build approximately 80 living houses. Size of the houses will be from 100 till 160 square meters and customers will have possibility to choose one of four projects, that all are united in style. Approximate price of the living house will be 300,00 lats per square meter, including inner design.

As Merks informs us, peace of land in Mārupe, that's size is 13,5 square meters, was bought at the beginning of this year and it's planned to divide it into peaces 1.200 - 1.300 square meters each. Merks plans to invest in infrastructure - melioration, roads and communications approximately 800.000 lats.

Application for the competition for architectural bureaus about possible architectural solutions for living houses that was announced month ago, ended at Monday. 5 companies applied for the competition - Rigers, Arhitektonika, Kubs, Arhitektu sabiedrība and Lilijas Saško arhitektu birojs.

Merks informs, that public discussion about this project starts this week at Mārupe village board house and it will go on for two weeks. Population of Mārupe is welcome to express their opinions actively.

SIA Merks is part of the concern Merko Ehitus.

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