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Caring by sharing - 8 European pilot cities present their experience on how to develop Local Energy Roadmaps : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Caring by sharing - 8 European pilot cities present their experience on how to develop Local Energy Roadmaps

Caring by sharing - 8 European pilot cities present their experience on how to develop Local Energy Roadmaps
Foto: Caring by sharing - 8 European pilot cities present their experience on how to develop Local Energy Roadmaps

Although a world’s task, climate mitigation has its highest potential in local solutions and implementations. The "Low-Energy City Policy Handbook" – released today - offers a unique toolbox to help municipalities find their own starting point and suitable path to a common goal.  

After three years of cooperative work, the "IMAGINE... low energy cities" project today publishes its findings in a "Low-Energy City Policy Handbook" aimed for municipalities and local stakeholders.
Developing visions and Local Energy Roadmaps...
The eight IMAGINE pilot cities1 have developed their own visions for 2050, serving as a basis for preparing ambitious local energy roadmaps.
... Through innovative participatory processes
In this handbook they share the tools and methods they used to involve their citizens, private players and municipal staff in defining what the city would look like by 2050 and how to achieve those visions.
Academic assessment of the cities’ energy transition processes
The IMAGINE handbook also provides findings from a research perspective about the process of an energy transition. A critical review of communication, visualisation and monitoring tools shall help other municipalities shape their own energy transition. The target is to advocate the communication in the process of designing "Local Energy Roadmaps", low-emission strategies targeted to the year 2050. As a guidance the IMAGINE project developed and tested an Assessment Grid which eases continuous
evaluation of the transition process.
Find the handbook and further information on the IMAGINE project at:
Contact: Stéphane Dupas - Energy Cities
+33 3 81 65 36 80
1Bistrita (Romania), Dobrich (Bulgaria), Figueres (Spain), Lille (France), Milton Keynes (UK), Modena (Italy),
Munich (Germany) and Odense (Denmark).


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