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Clever technology and high-quality material: What roller shutters can contribute to protection and security : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Clever technology and high-quality material: What roller shutters can contribute to protection and security

Clever technology and high-quality material: What roller shutters can contribute to protection and security
Foto: Clever technology and high-quality material: What roller shutters can contribute to protection and security

Building security: Industry players and experts expected at R+T 2015 R+T, the leading world trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection, is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2015 in Stuttgart. There are already signs that the focal points energy efficiency and building security, which generated a great deal of interest in 2012, will once again feature among the top topics in 2015. Sebastian Schmid, Project Manager of R+T: "Building security always takes top priority, not only here but also worldwide. This is why we are delighted to have the opportunity again to welcome the key industry players from this area in 2015."

Deterring criminals – Burglar protection with roller shutters

For many years now Germany has seen a constant increase in the number of domestic burglaries (houses and apartments). In most cases the perpetrators break in through
doors, terrace doors and windows in apartments and houses. "Roller shutters are often mentioned in connection with burglary protection. But only experts can assess which
products are actually burglar-proof", states Sebastian Schmid knowingly.

Heydebreck: Resistance depends on a variety of criteria

Bernd Heydebreck, owner of Heydebreck GmbH, which specialises in the protection functions of roller shutters, confirms that not all roller shutters inhibit burglars. The
shell of a roller shutter system should be secured against being pushed up and pulled out and it should not be possible to pry open the guide rails. The roller shutter rods must be made from a robust material and the roller shutter box should be difficult to access.
"Only if all these criteria are satisfied, can a roller shutter function adequately as burglar protection", explains Heydebreck.
A roller shutter is only considered burglar-resistant if it is designed in accordance with DIN V 18073-5.3 and has a RC2 resistance class certified according to EN1627. A RC2- certified roller shutter offers protection to a certain degree against opportunist burglars who try to gain access using a screwdriver, pliers and wedges. For roller shutter systems certified according to RC3 the burglar has no chance of gaining access even with the additional use of a crowbar. According to industry experts, shells made from double- walled, extruded aluminium bars which are filled with casting resin are particularly resistant. But there are even stronger alternatives. Double-walled roller shutter profiles made from stainless steel are extremely resistant. Due to their material characteristics, these roller shutters offer not only the best burglar protection, but also provide
protection in storms. At a width of three metres and with side safety locks, this roller shutter system can resist wind forces of up to 406 kilometres per hour. This is why it is
installed as hurricane protection in the USA and as vandalism and burglary prevention in Europe.

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At R+T 2015 Heydebreck GmbH will present current videos which show how simple a burglar can overcome plastic roller shutters or standard aluminium roller shutters and
explain the differences to higher-quality aluminium designs. The company has been represented at the trade fair since 1983. "For us R+T is particularly important for the
acquisition of specialised roller shutter companies. Especially in the area of burglar protection, we are also very interested in customers from the USA and Eastern Europe",
states Bernd Heydebreck. "In 2015 we hope to meet even more customers and architects at the trade fair who specialise in security."

Selve: Presence simulation so that the building always looks occupied

Roller shutters can only contribute to burglar protection when they are closed. Modern drives and control systems ensure that the roller shutters are also shut when the
residents are not at home. "It is no secret that burglaries often take place when the residents are on holiday", explains Guido Schildbach, Marketing Manager at Selve,
"therefore, the use of a technology which simulates the presence of the residents is useful." For instance, a control system can move roller shutters at freely definable times
via integrated timers. With the astronomy function of the "Smarttimer Plus" from Selve, sunrise and sunset times are automatically determined depending on the season using position data and the roller shutters are controlled accordingly. A combination with individually specified times is also possible. "An optional holiday function varies the
switch times by up to 30 minutes in a random order. "This makes it difficult for a potential burglar to detect if residents are at home", is how Schildbach explains the other
functions. But not only the control system can increase the security of roller shutters, the drive motors and the roller shutter technology can also play a decisive role. The SES
drive from Selve presses the closed roller shutter shell firmly against the window sill.
The additional use of a mechanical anti-lift device makes it impossible to push the roller shutters up using common tools.
At R+T 2015 Selve will showcase the latest developments in the area from drive motors, control systems and roller shutter technology to safety devices for roller shutters. "Burglar-resistant measures and technologies are an important factor for us, our customers and the entire industry. As the leading trade fair, R+T is therefore precisely the right place to discuss this topic", reports Guido Schildbach. Selve has been represented at R+T since 1965. "The trade fair was and is the optimal platform for us to
showcase innovations, acquire new customers and intensify existing contacts."
This press release, current photos, photos of the last R+T and trade fair logos can be downloaded online at:

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