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Demonstrators at Saeima protest plan to lift apartment rent "ceiling" : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Demonstrators at Saeima protest plan to lift apartment rent "ceiling"

About 50 Rigans have gathered at the Saeima building this morning to protest against the planned lifting of the apartment rent "ceiling".

About 50 Rigans have gathered at the Saeima building this morning to protest against the planned lifting of the apartment rent "ceiling".

The demonstration is organized by the left-wing political party For Human Rights In A United Latvia (PCTVL), and some of the placards prepared read: "Shameless Saeima Deputies! Even Livestock Have A Roof Over Their Heads!", "I Want An Apartment! No Vote For A Party with Karpovics!", "Come Live With Us In The Bushes, Lagzdin!", "Revoking Rent Ceiling - A Wealthy Landlord's Road Paved With the People's Bones!"

The demonstration is organized by PCTVL, whose faction in the Riga City Council failed to resolve the problem of future rental fees in de-nationalized buildings during talks last week with the tenant and landlord associations.

On June 17, a Saeima majority rejected Cabinet amendments to the law on apartment rentals, that called for retaining for two more years the maximum-permitted rental fee, which would be 60 santimes per square meter in 2005, but 72 santimes in 2006.

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