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Entra ASA: Urban+ The most eco friendly city building in Norway. An open, international multidisciplinary design contest : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Entra ASA: Urban+ The most eco friendly city building in Norway. An open, international multidisciplinary design contest

Entra ASA: Urban+ The most eco friendly city building in Norway. An open, international multidisciplinary design contest
Foto: Entra ASA: Urban+ The most eco friendly city building in Norway. An open, international multidisciplinary design contest

December 1st, Entra ASA launched an international design- and innovation competition for multidisciplinary teams of experts for the property Lilletorget 1, Oslo.

The project called Urban+ is a FutureBuilt pilot and should meet all FutureBuilt requirements for plus-Energy buildings, as well as the rating BREEAM-NOR Outstanding. Goals are also set for Cradle to Cradle, reduction in carbon emissions, universal design and economic feasibility.

- The new plus house is intended to be a model project for new commercial buildings to be erected in urban downtown areas in Norway, concerning sustainability and the environment. The building's function will mainly be office, but it should be made for public functions on the ground floor, such as coffee-shops, restaurants and various forms of public and private service. Public functions should help revitalize the neighborhood, says Kristin Haug Lund, Executive Vice President Project Development and Technology.

The eventual utilization of the property will be a result of the Innovation- and Design Competition, and the subsequent planning process. The competition will be organised as a two-stage competition, where the first stage is an open, anonymous, international multidisciplinary design contest. The second stage is a non-anonymous competition between three winners of the first stage design contest.

December 10th, Entra hosted an information meeting with subsequent site visit, as part of the competition. Questions and answers, is published together with the complete competition programme at

For further information, please contact:

Ina Helen Østby, Communications Adviser in Entra,
Phone +47 481 54 148, mail:

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