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Garlic grows in Lithuanian rue gardens : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Garlic grows in Lithuanian rue gardens

Garlic grows in Lithuanian rue gardens
Foto: Garlic grows in Lithuanian rue gardens

Lithuanian Association of Landscape Contractors and Ornamental Plants Growers will set up "Green Exposition" – a 1000 m2 blooming garden - during the biggest constructions-related exhibition in The Baltic States "Resta 2014", which is to take place in Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO on 24–27 April. Rainwater implementation possibilities in the garden, ECO ponds, landscaping trends and tendencies, "smart" composting, setting up of garden pathways, greening of balconies and terraces, roofs and walls and other issues will be presented to the visitors in the "Green Exposition" this year. All the gardeners and those who foster the environment will be able to get specialists’ consultations and participate in trainings and classes organised at the "Gardener’s Workshop", installed right here on the site. According to the specialists working on the installation of "Green Exposition" at "Resta 2014", the rue garden, sung of in the folk songs, has undergone major changes in recent years. More prosaic plants, such as garlic or dandelions, can now be found in the rue garden, which used to have an erotic implication.  

"The trend of planting gardens with both fruit trees and vegetables or potherbs, i.e. the land surrounded by the hedge accommodates not only potherbs or flowers but vegetables as well, has been gaining popularity in Lithuania over the last five years. This phenomenon allows the people, who are so far considered to be adventurers, to get aesthetic, social and ecological benefits: this appealing composition makes the yard look more lively, person finds psychological refuge in the garden, and when the vegetables grow, one can eat them without a dread of pesticides, give it to small children", –  stated representative of Lithuanian Association of Landscape Contractors and Ornamental Plants Growers Ingrida Vainauskienė.


However, such corner of taste and aesthetics is a more regular sight in the yards of house owners residing in cities, businesspeople, and representatives of other occupations who usually lack time. They say that tending to such garden is a great way to relax after the day’s work. These green oases are not a regular sight in the yards of old-fashioned cottages in the rural areas.

"Busy people appreciate such green oases, as tending to them does not require a lot of time.  The trick is to have a specialist help to choose the layout of plants and kinds of plants in accordance with ‘friendliness of species’. For instance, some plants have specific odour, which might help to repel the vermin typical for some other plants, or they prevent spread of weeds, etc. Such symbiosis of plants enables the garden owner to spend less time in the garden, and the result is amazing", - I. Vainauskienė shared some of the secrets.

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However, when planting such garden, its place on the land lot should be considered carefully. This garden should not resemble traditional Lithuanian gardens – it should not be neither too close to the house nor at the edge of the lot, as the plants have to receive as much sunlight as possible.
However, the plants in the garden should not have random layout, or simply be grouped according to ‘friendliness’ of species. The main rule offered by the landscaping specialists – the vegies or potherbs which grow faster, should be planted on the edges of the garden, whereas the latest ones – in the middle. This way we can enjoy our own veggies, without having to deform the harmony of the garden.

"Lithuanian and foreign trends are quite different. Lithuanians are more into planting vegetables, potherbs. For instance, Germans are more into planting dandelions, clovers and nettles. We try to get rid of these plats, whereas Germans buy their seeds and plant them deliberately, seeing it as a kind of exotic experience, as such plants do not appear in natural environment in Germany.", - stated the landscaping specialist.

Water guarantees stability of Lithuanian gardens, and it is still admired by people. It is still popular to install ponds or decorative pools in the backyards.
"The answer to the question how to control water depends on one’s available free-time. Those who have more time for tending to their yards, can dig themselves a pond where they will be able to swim, however, it will require constant attention, cleaning. For those with less time, we recommend to install running water oases, fountains, which would allow saving on maintenance time. ", - advised the specialist.

Major attention will be focused on water in the biggest constructions-related exhibition in The Baltic States "Resta 2014", which is to take place in Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO on 24–27 April. The accent of the year – use and management of water at home, in the yards and cities. High quality, economic plumbing, water quality improvement equipment, new technologies, watering equipment and etc., are going to be presented at the exhibition.

Over 500 participants from several countries are going to present their novelties in the exhibition this year, the exhibition will occupy all the exhibition area of LITEXPO – 33 000 m2. Anyone planning construction, renovation, renovation of engineering or heating systems, purchase of a new home, settling and greening the landscape will discover useful information in exhibition "Resta 2014".

For more information contact:
LITEXPO press centre
Tel. 8 620 81798
Email: r.keliuotyte@litexpolt

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