German-Chinese Dialog Dealing with All Aspects of Sustainability as well as Integral Planning and Performance

Foto: German-Chinese Dialog Dealing with All Aspects of Sustainability as well as Integral Planning and Performance
The BAU Congress China will celebrate its premier in Beijing on July 8 and 9, 2014. Preparations are underway at full swing. The congress is divided into two topics: The first congress day will concentrate on sustainable urban development, and the second will focus on integral planning and execution. The speakers, including renowned architects and planners, are from Germany and China. The official organizer is MMI Shanghai, a subsidiary of Messe München International.
The Topics
Sustainability and green building are hot topics in China, because the cities are growing so quickly there that sustainability aspects can often not be implemented to the desired extent. As a result, there are often problems with infrastructure (traffic and transport) and supply (energy, water and clean air). The congress will demonstrate the specific challenges that planners and urban developers are faced with and how sustainability concepts can be realized. Integral planning and implementing of projects is a hot discussion topic not just in Europe. Optimum targeted and smooth collaboration between architects, structural planners and specialist engineers is also extremely significant in China, because buildings and complete city districts have to be constructed or expanded in a very short time in many cases. Using examples, the congress will show what integral process management looks like specifically, what is technical possible and economically viable.
The Speakers
The BAU Congress China makes a German-Chinese dialog possible. Internationally known planners and architects from Germany and China will present and discuss their ideas for a viable Chinese city of the future. Aspects of urban planning will be explained based on the different approaches in China and Europe. The German experts are all active in China and will contribute their extensive experience with conditions on site. Among others, the speakers at BAU Congress China include:
Jürgen Engel, Managing Partner of KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH, has already been active in China since the middle of the 90s. The construction of the Chinese National Library in Beijing made him an extremely well known architect there. The renowned architect will talk about how different social, economic and cultural prerequisites influence construction.
Climate specialist Thomas Auer develops climate and energy concepts for buildings. He stands for equal treatment of architectural design and planning of building engineering, but with energy optimization as the priority. The Managing Director of Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH collaborated on construction of the New International Expo Center in Shanghai and the Linked Hybrid complex in Beijing. At the BAU Congress China, Mr. Auer will talk about his specialist area, building engineering in different climate zones.
Structural construction planner Manfred Grohmann recently worked on the spectacular International Conference Center in Dailan, China. Together with his partner Klaus Bollinger, he develops customized solutions within overall concepts. He considers collaborative dialog and respectful dealings with all involved to be especially important, both with planners and with those carrying out the work. Mr. Grohmann will talk in Beijing about supporting structures of the future.
On the side of the Chinese speakers, Xu Tiantian certainly stands out. The mother of two daughters can rightfully claim to be the first woman owner of an architecture firm in China. She is one of the most successful young architects in China and planned the Songzhuang Art Center and the Songzhuang Artist Residence, among other things. Ms. Xu Tiantian will talk about her projects
outside of the metropolitan regions Beijing and Shanghai.
Urbanus Architecture & Design – The three partners Xiaodu Liu, Yan Meng and Hui Wang are behind this. All three first studied in Beijing and later in Miami. Their architectural language is strongly influenced by the USA. Many of their projects, which range from residential construction to the topics of culture and education and all the way to urban and landscape planning, were realized in Shenzhen, where the main office of Urbanus is located.
The presenters at the BAU Congress China are also experts in their areas. On the first day, Wang Lu, Professor at the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, will host the congress. On the second day, Boris Schade-Bünsow, Editor-in-Chief of Bauwelt, and Burkhard Fröhlich, Editor-in-Chief of Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, will do the honors.
You can obtain information about all speakers and topics in the Internet at The corresponding pages are updated continually.
In the exhibition linked with the congress, the companies Hörmann, Dorma, Jansen, GEZE, Häfele, tesa as well as Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance are presenting a special exhibition.
BAU Congress China is taking place in the China National Convention Center. Proven partners of BAU in Munich are participating in the new project in China with the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and the Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance. Additional partners of BAU Congress China include Bauverlag and Archi-Europe-Group, with which BAU has also been
collaborating closely for years. The industry partner is Hörmann.
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