In Dobele was erect shopping center "Bumbieri"
In Dobele was erect shopping center "Bumbieri"
Rīga, | 1 of June, LETA |
In Dobele today was finished shopping center "Bumbieri". Director of trade center "Bumbieri" Gatis Bumbiers, informed LETA agency that for customers trade center will be open right before Ligo celebration. Shopping center "Bumbieri" covers an area of 2000 sq.m., and near the store it's have parking place for about 60 cars. Approximately on 1000 sq.m. of the store is planning to rent out and to establish food stores, and other stores of goods, drug store etc. "Rūpnīcprojekts" Ltd. company developed design, and construction work that was made for six months by "Kalnozols betons" Ltd. that today was renamed to "Orlands" Ltd. |
Zaiga Barvida, LETA | |
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