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Light + Building 2014: "The world’s leading trade fair for energy efficiency" : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Light + Building 2014: "The world’s leading trade fair for energy efficiency"

Light + Building 2014:
Foto: Light + Building 2014: "The world’s leading trade fair for energy efficiency"

Almost seven percent more exhibitors: the world’s leading trade fair for lighting and building-services technology with 2,458 manufacturers

The public debate about the shift away from nuclear energy is very much slanted towards the use of renewable energy and critical features, such as investment costs, the apportionment of costs under the German Renewable Energy Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) and the need for additional overhead power lines. Because of this, a decisive aspect is frequently ignored: energy efficiency – and this despite the fact that energy consumption could be cut drastically through the use of innovative, market-ready technologies. In connection with intelligently networked building-management systems, these resource-friendly technologies are the key to a sustainable power supply.

A powerful signal for more energy efficiency comes from Frankfurt am Main where Light+Building, the world’s biggest trade fair for lighting and building-services technology, will be held under the motto ‘Explore Technology for Life – the best energy is energy that isn’t consumed’, from 30 March to 4 April. There, 2,458 exhibitors from all over the world – almost seven percent more than in 2012 – present new products with which great energy savings can be made at the same time as increasing the degree of comfort in buildings.

"Light + Building focuses on the vital subject of future-oriented building and energy management – a fundamental module for the reorientation of the power-supply system. And this makes it the world’s leading trade fair for energy efficiency", says Wolfgang Marzin, President and Chief Executive Officer of Messe Frankfurt. Thus, energy savings of up to 70 percent could be achieved through the use of LED lighting and up to 30 percent through intelligent networking, smart homes and building automation.

Reflecting the high level of dynamism in the sector, the initial results of Light + Building 2014 could hardly be better. Thanks to the greatly increased demand for LED solutions on both the exhibitor and visitor sides, Hall 6.2 will be included in the fair to provide additional exhibition space. Altogether, Light+Building 2014 occupies 245,000 square metres of gross exhibition space – an increase of four percent over the previous event. All market leaders are taking part.

Intelligent building management and LED technology offer high energy savings

Ways in which building energy consumption can be controlled through the use of innovative technologies are to be seen at a special show entitled ‘Smart Powered Building – Your Building in the Smart Grid’. Realistic installations in live operation demonstrate how networked buildings generate, store, distribute and use energy locally.

The E-House of the Central Association of the German Electrical and Information Technology Trades (Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektro- und Informationstechnischen Handwerke – ZVEH) picks up this thread and shows the forms that intelligent energy management can take in private households: the ‘Energy-saving power station’ shows realistically and topically how the shift away from nuclear power functions on a practical level and how energy efficiency can go hand-in-hand with an increased level of comfort and security.

Resource conservation and energy efficiency are driving forces in the lighting market, too, whereby the focus is on the conversion of traditional sources of lighting to energy-efficient products. Worldwide, around 20 percent of electricity is used for lighting. Modern LED technology with intelligent lighting management permits electricity bills to be cut by as much as 70 percent. In addition to new design and furnishing options, the digitalisation of light also results in greater comfort and safety.

Accordingly, people and light, i.e., effect of light on people and the impact of light on health, performance and well-being, is one of the focal points of the lighting section of Light + Building 2014. For example, it is possible to adapt the colour of artificial light to that of natural light over the course of the day and, therefore, to the human biorhythm.

Powerful economic impulses from the trade and industry

The field of intelligent building-management and new developments in the lighting sector are generating positive impulses for the economy. The average potential for growth in the European building-automation sector is around twelve percent a year up to 2020. Sales of LED luminaires in Europe are estimated to be worth € 9 billion in 2016 and as much as € 14 billion in 2020.

The turnover of the German lighting and building-services technology industries represented at Light + Building amounts to € 10.8 billion a year. With almost 575,000 employees, the electrical and information technology trades ring up an annual turnover of € 50.9 billion.

Background information on Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt is one of the world's leading trade show organisers with around 543* million euros in sales and 2,026* employees worldwide. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 28 subsidiaries and approx. 50 international Sales Partners, giving it a presence for its customers in more than 150 countries. Events ‘Made by Messe Frankfurt" take place at more than 30 locations around the globe. In 2013, Messe Frankfurt organised 114* trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.

Messe Frankfurt’s exhibition grounds, featuring 578,000 square metres, are currently home to ten exhibition halls and an adjacent Congress Centre. The company is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40 percent.

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* Preliminary figures (2013)

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