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Light + Building 2014: ‘Smart Powered Building’ special show spotlights intelligent building and energy management : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Light + Building 2014: ‘Smart Powered Building’ special show spotlights intelligent building and energy management

Light + Building 2014: ‘Smart Powered Building’ special show spotlights intelligent building and energy management
Foto: Light + Building 2014: ‘Smart Powered Building’ special show spotlights intelligent building and energy management

Special show presents technologies for intelligent control systems in the energy sectorFocus on the interaction of individual components in the smart gridThe electricity market in Germany has become more decentralised through the big increase in the use of renewable energies.

Smart-grid solutions and a greater storage capacity are essential if a stable supply of electricity is to be guaranteed despite this large proportion of renewable energy. A vital component in this system is the building – no longer simply as a consumer but also as a source of energy and store. At Light+Building from 30 March to 4 April 2014, a special show, ‘Smart Powered Building – Your Building in the Smart Grid’, will show future-oriented technologies suitable for this purpose that can be controlled efficiently in the smart grid with the aid of intelligent energy-management systems. This is the second time that the special show, which is organised by Messe Frankfurt and the German Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. – ZVEI), has been held at the world’s leading trade fair for lighting and building-services technology.

Maria Hasselman, Director Brand Management Light+Building:
"At the special show, we want to demonstrate market-ready systems and technologies necessary for the successful integration of decentralised energy technology. We attach particular importance to solutions that are worthwhile in both ecological and economic terms. Following the extremely positive echo from the première in 2012, we have extended the exhibition and integrated additional interactive elements."

The special show focuses on commercial buildings whereby the emphasis in 2014 will be on the various options of storing energy and smooth communication at the interfaces to the smart grid. The exhibition is aimed at property owners, developers, architects, planners, artisans and all specialists involved in the construction and use of buildings.

Intelligent networks between energy generators, energy stores and the smart grid
Mobile container architecture is at the core of the special show. Real examples show how combinations of different systems for the production of electricity, e.g., photovoltaic or wind energy with stores, such as batteries, heat or cooling-energy accumulators, can contribute to a more independent energy supply for buildings. The link to the electricity network demonstrates how excess electricity can be fed into the network while energy-management systems ensure optimum energy flows. In a kind of control room, the potential of intelligent networks in five typical commercial properties – sports centre, production plant, supermarket, office building and hotel – will be simulated on the basis of weather data from Frankfurt. Trade visitors will be able to select combinations of energy sources, store devices and electricity consumers and receive the corresponding monthly or annual energy consumption and generation data for their parameters.

Research and development: energy stores and interfaces
Energy storage – thermal, chemical and electro-chemical – is currently the subject of intensive research efforts. Trade visitors will be able to find out about the latest developments and which new technologies are currently being tested at the storage-technologies information area. The special show will also spotlight communication between buildings and the smart grid at a separate information area where companies present examples from their research and development departments, e.g., hardware and software tools. One of the focal points will be on intelligent energy-management systems and communication between building control systems and the smart grid. Rounding off the spectrum covered by the special show will be information on current standards and regulations. The special show has been planned and organised on behalf of Messe Frankfurt by the renowned Canzler firm of consultant engineers, Frankfurt am Main/Mülheim an der Ruhr. Canzler advises on and develops concepts for transparent and economically efficient, future-oriented properties.

The ZVEH E-House
Continuing this train of thought, the E-House of the Central Association of the German Electrical and Information Technology Trades (Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektro- und Informations-technischen Handwerke – ZVEH) in Hall 8 demonstrates what forms intelligent energy management can take in private dwellings. This ‘energy-saving power station’ shows extremely realistically how the new energy paradigm works in practice and how energy efficiency can nowadays go hand-in-hand with increased comfort and safety. Moreover, thanks to their own energy generation, it is possible to reduce the degree of dependence on power-supply companies.

Background information on Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt is one of the world's leading trade show organisers with around 543* million euros in sales and 2,026* employees worldwide. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 28 subsidiaries and approx. 50 international Sales Partners, giving it a presence for its customers in more than 150 countries. Events "made by Messe Frankfurt" take place at more than 30 locations around the globe. In 2013, Messe Frankfurt organised 114* trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.

Messe Frankfurt’s exhibition grounds, featuring 578,000 square metres, are currently home to ten exhibition halls and an adjacent Congress Center. The company is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40 percent.
For more information, please visit our website at:

* preliminary numbers (2013)

Banner 280x280 (30. März - 4. April 2014)

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