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Messe Frankfurt increases its management capacity in the technical trade fair segment : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Messe Frankfurt increases its management capacity in the technical trade fair segment

Messe Frankfurt increases its management capacity in the technical trade fair segment
Foto: Messe Frankfurt increases its management capacity in the technical trade fair segment

Wider responsibilities for Ruth LorenzThe Messe Frankfurt Group is paying tribute to the growing importance of its Technology & Production division by increasing its management capacity in this area. The company’s worldwide portfolio comprises around 60 technology trade fairs and events in capital goods, building services, environmental technology and safety engineering, so that it has the world’s leading international platforms for innovations and for a cross-sectoral exchange between experts. "One strategic focus of our company is to keep expanding our global product portfolio in the technology sector, both nationally and internationally," says Wolfgang Marzin, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Messe Frankfurt GmbH. "In view of this strategic target, we are continuing to pay more and more attention to this powerful sector."

Since 1 September Ruth Lorenz has been heading Food Technology as an area of expertise. This includes IFFA, the world’s leading trade fair for the meat-processing industry and butchers and its worldwide branding. In addition, she is also responsible for the Texcare brand, covering Texcare International, the world’s leading trade fair in contemporary textile care, the Texcare Forum, Texcare Asia and the Texcare Forum Russia, as well as Safety & Security as an area of expertise at Messe Frankfurt.

Messe Frankfurt has had many years of expertise in organising Food Technology trade fairs. IFFA, the number one in the meat industry in Frankfurt am Main, has been held since 1971 and is the world’s most important innovation platform for capital goods in the meat industry. Messe Frankfurt also organises Tecno Fidta Powered by IFFA in Buenos Aires, a central trade fair for the food processing industry in South America. These leading trade fairs offer an international knowledge transfer on key areas of the industry such as hygiene, automation, traceability and product safety. Moreover, after its acquisition of the Modern Bakery, Messe Frankfurt is now further expanding the forward-looking sector of Food Technology.

The Safety & Security cluster comprises 12 international trade fairs and conventions, with Intersec in Dubai as the leading international trade fair in this portfolio.

One rapidly growing area within the Technology & Production division is the Environment Technology sector. The entire spectrum of state-of-the-art environmental technology is currently mapped by eight events: Watertech India, Pollutech India, Cleantech India, Wastetech India, Waste & Recycling Expo, Eco Expo Asia, Watertech China and Building Solar China.

Ruth Lorenz will step up the international expansion and development of the Environment Technology sector and develop Messe Frankfurt’s business on the African continent, where it has had its own subsidiary in South Africa since mid-2014, and she will also press ahead with the expansion of business in India.

At the same time, Ruth Lorenz will continue to lead the New Events division. This portfolio covers Mobikon, the trade fair and convention on mobile business, Cleanzone, the international trade fair and convention on cleanroom technology, and Zukunft Lebensräume (Habitats of the Future), a cross-industry trade fair and convention, aimed at the construction, housing and care industries with a focus on demographic change.

Ruth Lorenz is taking over her new functions from Iris Jeglitza-Moshage. In her function as Senior Vice President Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH, Iris Jeglitza-Moshage will continue to handle the global trade fair brands ISH and Light + Building. On 1 September Jeglitza-Moshage also took over as manager of Corporate Communications & Protocol to her responsibilities.

In her new function Lorenz is now reporting to Jeglitza-Moshage.

Ruth Lorenz has been with Messe Frankfurt since 1991. Until 2013 she headed the Consumer Goods & Leisure division. In October 2013 she took over the New Events division. Lorenz started her career as a sales manager in the IFFA and Texcare property unit. She then changed to Ambiente, as a director, and subsequently led the Sales Division, helping to develop, among other things, Messe Frankfurt’s subsidiaries in Turkey and Korea.

Further details are available on the Messe Frankfurt GmbH website:

Background information on Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt is one of the world’s leading trade fair organisers, generating around €545 million in sales and employing some 2,000 people worldwide. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 28 subsidiaries and around 50 international Sales Partners, allowing it to serve its customers on location in more than 150 countries. Messe Frankfurt events take place at more than 30 locations around the globe. In 2013, Messe Frankfurt organised a total of 113 trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.

Comprising an area of 578,000 square metres, Messe Frankfurt’s exhibition grounds are home to ten exhibition halls. The company also operates two congress centres. The company is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40 percent.

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