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Modern object of construction - airport Riga : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Modern object of construction - airport Riga

Modern object of construction - airport Riga

Excursion in the airport Riga for representatives of the mass media was organized at July 26. During the excursion journalists could see the new passenger terminal and to find out about itģs building process, airportģs future plans and other substantial news.

autors: Modern object of construction - airport Riga
Foto: Modern object of construction - airport Riga; autors: Modern object of construction - airport Riga
Excursion in the airport Riga for representatives of the mass media was organized at July 26. During the excursion journalists could see the new passenger terminal and to find out about itģs building process, airportģs future plans and other substantial news.
New terminal of the International airport Riga will open at the July 27, but passengers will be able to see it at August 1st. Second turn of the reconstruction finishes with the opening of the new passengerģs terminal.

3.000 square meters of the airportģs buildings were rebuilt and new 2 level building, which size is more than 5.100 square meters was built at the second turn of the airportģs reconstruction and modernization.
autors: Modern object of construction - airport Riga
Foto: Modern object of construction - airport Riga; autors: Modern object of construction - airport Riga
Conception of the airport was created by architectural bureau Arhis, main contractors were companies PBLC (building and engineering communications) and ACB (platform and roads of maneuvers).
Representatives of building companies acknowledge, that airportģs terminal is very modern object where modern building constructions are used - glass front, constructions of the ceiling and passengers bridges. Also inner decorationģs quality is high - parket and granite plate floors that are produced in Latvia, 415 new seatings and specially created infrastructure for people with special needs.
All passengers who arrived and who leave Riga will be served at the new terminal. Cafes, bars and modern Solo club for business class passengers will be located there.
autors: Modern object of construction - airport Riga
Foto: Modern object of construction - airport Riga; autors: Modern object of construction - airport Riga
Jānis Lancers, president of the building company PBLC, informed, that size of the glass front of the building is 5.000 square meters in total, but metal front - 2.000 square meters. Several other companies were involved in the project; as biggest we can mention companies Ionica and Biant (ventilation and appeasement), Baltijas logu aģentūra (wooden decoration), Rīgas montāžnieks (metal framework) and others. It must be mentioned, that only goods that are produced in Latvia and Latviaģs workforce are used in this project.
autors: Modern object of construction - airport Riga
Foto: Modern object of construction - airport Riga; autors: Modern object of construction - airport Riga
Andris Kronbergs, manager of the architectural bureau Arhis, said, that airportģs building is projected in a way, that it could be maximally transparent and every passenger could see whatģs going on around him or her all the time.
Valdis Lejnieks, president of the building company ACB, informed, that densifalt is used for the parking places of airplanes. This material is as good as concrete, but it doesnģt deform under the huge weight of the airplanes. Also itģs cost is similar as concreteģs, but it has better economical effect in everyday exploitation.

Dzintars Pomers, president of the International airport Riga, led the excursion and proudly said, that airport Riga is the biggest airport in Baltic region; it served 296.872 passengers last years that is 9% more than before. 2.518 tons of freight have gone thorough airport in last 6 months.

Total cost of the second turn of the airportģs reconstruction was 14,3 millions lats. Second, but not the last turn of reconstruction has finished now. Itģs planned to enlarge the landing place of the airport, to build terminal for freight and small aviation and also to do the reconstruction of the north and east front.

Linda Tunte

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