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Newly constructed flats are most popular in Klaipeda : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Newly constructed flats are most popular in Klaipeda

Newly constructed flats are most popular in Klaipeda
Foto: Newly constructed flats are most popular in Klaipeda

Real estate developers are going to present their most recent projects at the biggest constructions – related exhibition in the Baltic States "Resta 2014", which will take place at LITEXPO on 24-27 April. The visitors will be able to see state-of-the-art, energy-efficient flats constructed in Vilnius as well as other Lithuanian cities.According to real estate project developers, the real estate market is slowly recovering after the stagnation period. However, the representatives of the agencies noticed that Klaipeda now occupies the leading positions according to the sales of new flats.

According to the data of Lithuanian Real Estate Development Association (LNTPA), there are over 2, 000 of newly constructed flats to choose from in Vilnius, about 700 in Klaipeda, and about 400 in Kaunas. However, the ratio of new flats sold per thousand of people reveals that Klaipeda prevails over the capital in this respect. Eighteen flats are sold per thousand of people in Klaipeda every year, whereas the figures for Vilnius sum up to fifteen newly build flats purchase contracts a year. In Kaunas, eleven newly built flats are sold per thousand of people a year.

"The prices of flats have grown, compared to the crisis, and the buyers pay most attention to efficiency of the flat, its maintenance costs and place. Naturally, newly build economically efficient and well-located flats are chosen as an investments, this way it will maintain and increase its value", - said director of LNTPA Mindaugas Statulevičius.
Director of "Real Invest" company, which sells cottages at "Kalnėnų terasos", and which will participate in "Resta 2014", Giedrius Būda, noticed that the flats with alternative heating systems, e.g. heat pumps, are the most popular nowadays.

Low prices, small interest rates offered by the banks and high rents encourage people to buy flats and use them as investments. Owners of prestigious apartments often rent them to embassy employees or foreign entrepreneurs residing in Lithuania, this is why they always inquire about the security systems installed in the apartment, and security companies servicing the flat prior to buying it. It is estimated that interest rate from the rent fee currently reaches up to eight per cent.
The main reason for growth of demand for homes – the intended introduction of euro in 2015. "Very often buyers invest their savings into real estate, as they fear the introduction of euro. This also induces growth of real estate prices", - stated G. Būda.

Real estate experts noticed yet another trend – the young families that recently moved to suburbs are buying flats and returning to cities. "I could tell you a number of stories when young families with small children living in the suburbs get tired of "being taxi drivers" and return to cities, where they live until the children get bigger.  Of course, they also figure out that it is too expensive for them to drive several dozens of kilometres a day", - stated M. Statulevičius.

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During "Resta", LNTPA, real estate development company "Eika" and representatives of the Ministry of Environment are going to hold a discussion on "Requirements for A class home: will we be able to afford energy-efficient homes?". The exceedingly high expectations for energy class A homes, which, if not changed, will lead to significant increase of prices for homes intended to be built in 2016, will become the cornerstone of the discussion.

Real estate novelties, relevant not only to young families, but also to elder people will be presented in exhibition "Resta 2014" on 24 – 27 April. Every visitor will be able to assess the most recent real estate projects and decide which flat, and where, to buy. Over 20 real estate companies are going to participate in the exhibition.
The total number of 535 participants from 10 different countries are going to present their novelties; the exhibition is going to occupy all the exposition area of the exhibition and congress centre LITEXPO – 33, 000 m2. The focus of this years exhibition – water, therefore, visitors will be able to look for some plumbing equipment to match their new homes. The expositions of construction and finishing materials, construction machinery, equipment and tools will also be set up in the exhibition. The newest models of windows, doors, roofing, flooring and HVAC systems will be presented, the garners fair shall be set up, the visitors will rejoice at the sight of the "Dream Garden" set up by professional landscape contractors and occupying 1000 m2. Different events shall await visitors, Sunday After Easter will involve families and children in rolling colourful eggs.

For more information contact:
LITEXPO press centre
Tel. 8 620 81798
Email: r.keliuotyte@litexpolt

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