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Preatoni offers apartments at Vecpilsētas street for those who like Old Riga : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Preatoni offers apartments at Vecpilsētas street for those who like Old Riga

Alesandro Gelli, member of the board of Vecpilsētas nekustamie īpašumi, which is the part of the Ernesto Preatoni Group, informed, that new apartments are offered for those people who like to live at the very center of Old Riga in the newly opened house at Vecpilsētas street 8a.

Alesandro Gelli, member of the board of Vecpilsētas nekustamie īpašumi, which is the part of the Ernesto Preatoni Group, informed, that new apartments are offered for those people who like to live at the very center of Old Riga in the newly opened house at Vecpilsētas street 8a.

He pointed, that this building is unique with itģs ancient and various wooden constructions and also with itģs building elements inside and decoration.

Total size of the building at Vecpilsētas street 8a is 1.400 square meters and there are 7 apartments which size are from 60 till 230 square meters. There are unified security and fire protection systems.

At the basement and first floor will be located restaurant and now negotiation are taking place about this subject with several companies.

Pro Kapitla Latvija, that is the administrator of buildings, invested in the reconstruction about 1,2 millions US dollars. NCC Konstrukcija did reconstruction of building within year. Italian company Studio Tamini and Latvian company Vizuālās modelēšanas studija did design work.

It is already third renovated historical building in Riga thatģs done by Ernesto Preatoni Group. Renovated building at Stabu street 19 and residence of Peter I at Palasta street 9 were opened at the last year.

First written information about building at Vecpilsētas street 8a is founded in the Fire insurance cash estimation documents, where J.Falk, elder of the Grand Guild, is mentioned as itģs owner and value of the building is 1.672 Albertģs state dalders.

Kleins un Cukurbekers is the owner of the building at 1804 and its value has tripled - 5.872 Albertģs state dalders. Storehouse, as it is now, was built at the 18th century, using the wall of the previous building and partially pediment.

Cannons, which were molted from cast iron, were located at the corners of the front until the end of 20th century. Storehouse of the typography Cīņa was located there at the seventies.

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