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Resource-efficient solutions for building today and tomorrow : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Resource-efficient solutions for building today and tomorrow

Resource-efficient solutions for building today and tomorrow
Foto: Resource-efficient solutions for building today and tomorrow

The key role of steel and stainless steel in building construction is amply reflected in the diversity of different types of steel and steel products that are available. Applications for these materials range from urban infrastructure and bridges, earthquake- and flood-protection, high-rises and intelligent facades to lightweight construction in steel, industrial, commercial and residential building and the design of urban spaces. Hall B2 at BAU, between January 19 and 24, 2015, will be a showcase for the steel industry – planners, architects, engineers, the building trades, but also building clients, apprentices and students will be coming here to find out more about the present and future of building with steel.

Steel manufacturers, processors, wholesalers and the trade organizations will be addressing the key themes at BAU and showing how only steel can build a sustainable future for our cities. Because no other building material can boast a complete and ongoing cycle of recovery and re-use of raw materials. With the regenerative building material steel urban mining is not a vision for the future, it has long since been a reality, as the environmental product declarations for building steel and sheet-steel profile panels confirm. Building with steel is the way forward towards a zero-waste economy.

"Efficiency 4.0: Designing the future with steel"

At a large 400 m2 joint stand (B2/318) bauforumstahl and its member companies
will be showcasing steel solutions and products, including fire protection and
corrosion protection through galvanizing, all under the motto of "Efficiency 4.0: Designing the future with steel". Visitors to this display will find the full spectrum of products and services that are available for building with steel, from steel manufacturers to building firms, wholesale suppliers etc. As in previous years
topical themes in the construction industry will be explored in a Lecture Campus. This Lecture Campus is being organized in cooperation with the Bayerische Architektenkammer, the Bayerische Ingenieurekammer-Bau, the universities of Munich, the Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU), the association of German engineers (VDI), and others. The range of themes extends from current examples of architecture in steel, green buildings, practical advice for building with steel and the challenges presented by the new norms, to BIM, future trends and training and careers in the industry.

The companies and organizations exhibiting at the bauforumstahl joint stand have announced the following focuses for their presentations:

The ArcelorMittal Group (B2/318), represented by ArcelorMittal Commercial Long Deutschland GmbH and ArcelorMittal Construction Western Europe, will be presenting a broad palette of products for resource- and cost-efficient building: New composite slim-floor beams (CoSFB) enable wide spans combined with low floor depths. Histar®, a high-strength fine-grain building steel, offers outstanding weldability thanks to its low alloy content, as well as high yield strength and excellent toughness. The extended range of HD and HL sections are ideal for load-transfer in high-rise buildings, for modern bridge-building and crane runway girders. ACB®/ Angelina™, material-saving cellular beams with circular or sinusoidal openings, are an optimum solution for medium and wide spans. In particular the large angle profiles (L300x300) open up new dimensions in lattice mast construction for wind-energy power plant. Arcorox®, a weathering building steel popular in modern architecture, is available as profile or angle steel. ArcelorMittal will also be presenting its Ondatherm, Pflaum and Ondafibre sandwich panels with PIR and mineral-fiber core, for use in building envelopes. Innovative light-construction systems for roofs and facades not only meet all the demands of energy-efficient building, thermal insulation and fire protection. In combination with the systems and components, a wide range of variants and color coatings are also offered, to extend the options available in architectural design.

Salzgitter AG (Stand B2/318) will be exhibiting at the show, with its subsidiaries Peiner Träger GmbH (PTG) and Salzgitter Bauelemente GmbH (SZBE). PTG offers a comprehensive range of steel sections and wide-flange beams. Its quality steels and steel components, based on recovered steel, are especially resource-efficient and economical, and are suitable for lightweight building as well as for offshore construction. For roofs and facades, lightweight insulating components with a distinctive look are in demand. Trapezoidal profiles from the FOLASTAL® family also offer top performance in terms of stability and thermal/sound and weather protection. FOLASTAL® cassette profiles can be tailor-made to suit specific requirements as regards noise and fire protection, and they are particularly economical thanks to their high structural strength. Salzgitter insulated panels (SIP) offer high-quality surfaces and outstanding thermal insulation properties, as well as fast, uncomplicated assembly. Also on show will be an exhibit demonstrating groundbreaking solutions in the field of energy applications.

Stahlwerk Thüringen GmbH (B2/318), a subsidiary of the CSN Group of Brazil, will be presenting its steel sections (IPE, HE, UPE and U) and informing visitors about the extensions to its palette of profiles, special profiles and services. Weldable steels (S235, S275, S355, S460) are also in its delivery program, and qualities for specific applications, e.g. offshore, shipbuilding, heat-resistant steels for power stations and weathering steels.

The Industrieverband Feuerverzinken (B2/318), which represents the interests of the German galvanizing industry, will be focusing on the subject of lasting corrosion-protection for steel, and will for the first time at BAU be presenting the environmental product declaration for galvanized building steel it produced in cooperation with bauforumstahl. Another new development is galvanizing of steel and composite bridges. Extensive scientific testing, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, has opened up the way for the use of galvanizing in road-bridge building. Other focuses in the information offering from these galvanizing experts are facades made from galvanized steel, and designing and implementing corrosion protection in line with EN 1090.

The Interessengemeinschaft Stahl-Brandschutzbeschichtung IGSB (B2/318), an association for steel fire-protection coatings, will be showing examples of how fire protection with intumescents can be not only effective but also attractive and economical, across the range of projects, from individual structures to highly complex steel buildings. New coatings give better weathering performance and improved consumption, as the required layer thickness is reduced. For example, for F90 the layers need only be 2 to 4 mm thick. Newly developed water-based or solvent-free intumescents are especially useful in green buildings, thanks to their environmental compatibility.

The steel wholesalers who are members of the Interessengemeinschaft Stahlhandel im bauforumstahl IGS (B2/318) will be presenting their broad spectrum of services, many of which go far beyond the job of distribution. In service centers and pre-processing centers they provide a service to customers wanting pre-processing of sheet steel, steel sections and steel pipes, or even customized components ready to use in building construction, bridge-building and multistory car parks. These steel wholesalers also provide the components needed for constructing the shell of the system-build steel halls of rolled steel profiles developed by bauforumstahl.

Efficient and economic: Lightweight building systems in steel

Material- and energy-efficient building envelopes with innovative lightweight building systems in steel, in commercial and high-quality multistory buildings – that´s what the Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl (B2/303) will be focusing on in their presentation. Co-exhibitors at this booth are IFBS – Internationaler Verband für den Metallleichtbau, with its European counterpart PPA-Europe – European Association for Panels and Profiles and ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG. Architects, engineers, the building trades and building clients will be able to gather information here on building systems that save resources and protect the environment, for roofs and facades of different shapes, with a variety of surface finishes and for a range of applications.

Cassette facade systems are very popular at the moment, in particular for prestigious office and hotel buildings. The steel cassettes or sidings are flat, panel-shaped components made of steel sheet, which are fitted in a modular arrangement, either horizontally or vertically. These components, insulated or uninsulated, are relatively simple to slot onto the support frame, without the need for bolting. Variable module sizes and different color compositions open up options for a very finely structured facade. Also on show at the joint stand are facade systems in weathering steel, a material that protects itself through a "rusty" patina, and extensive expanded metal components such as are used on semi-transparent facades in multistory car parks. Lightweight construction systems in steel offer virtually unlimited design scope for building skins.

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG (B2/303) will be presenting coatings in different color collections, for use on components for multistory industrial buildings. The differently structured surfaces give long-term performance over many decades. ReflectionsPearl® adds a sophisticated look to steel components, and creates a changing color effect. Coil coating is also well suited to freely formed panels. An eye catcher of a different kind is offered by Pladur® Relief Ice Crystal, with its shimmering surface reminiscent of ice crystals. Other surfaces in the Pladur® family offer low reflectivity. From the surface finishes on the slot-fit panels on exhibit, visitors will be able to see how the saturated color tones can give steel facades a sophisticated matt effect. Another exhibit from ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is Pladur® StandingSeam, which is an all-round supported solution for standing seam roofs with unusual geometries, or where an attractive effect is required. With ZM EcoProtect® (zinc-magnesium-coated sheet) as a base material, the standing seam solution also offers effective corrosion protection.

Economical and sustainable: Stainless steel

Leading companies from the stainless-steel sector will be exhibiting at the 456 m² joint stand of the Informationsstelle Edelstahl Rostfrei (B2/302/100), ready to provide advice to architects, planners and building clients. An extensive and wide-ranging display of innovative products, systems and solutions in stainless steel will be presented here by companies such as Aperam Stainless Services & Solutions Germany GmbH, GKD - Gebr. Kufferath AG, Inox-Color GmbH, Poligrat GmbH, ProMesh GmbH, Modersohn GmbH, Outokumpu EMEA GmbH, Rudolf Schmid GmbH, Ugitech GmbH and Valbruna Edel Inox GmbH.

Attention is increasingly focusing on outside space in relation to buildings. For transport structures, urban furniture and art objects, stainless steel is a popular choice for its attractive looks and ability to withstand the rigors of busy urban spaces. Modern technology ensures very smooth surface finishes that shrug off dirt and even withstand graffiti.

The outer envelope of the buildings themselves is also attracting more and more attention. Solar-shading systems of stainless-steel mesh, of wire-ring mesh or expanded metal protect against noise and ensure good ventilation. Prefabricated facade systems of stainless steel are light and cost-effective to fit, and unusual design effects can be achieved with electrolytically colored and/or free-form panels and high-resolution media facades in woven stainless steel. Stainless steel also offers many options for greening facades and roofs – including even roll seam-welded flat roofs.

The broad spectrum of products and components available in stainless steel – wall claddings, railings, doors etc. – also help enhance quality of life in building interiors, in a sustainable way.

Fixing systems in stainless steel ensure the lasting safety of railings, staircases, bridges, tunnels and facades. And stainless-steel rebars are ideal for use in highly corrosive environments.

For further information on steel in building, go to:

About BAU

BAU, the World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems, is the biggest and most important event in the sector. The next BAU takes place from January 19 to 24, 2015 at the Messe München exhibition center. Around 2,000 exhibitors from more than 40 countries and over 235,000 visitors from all around the world are expected to attend.

On display at BAU on 180,000 square meters of exhibition space – for years all the available space has been fully booked – are architectural solutions, materials and systems for commercial and residential construction and interiors, for both new-build and renovation and modernization. Every two years this event brings together market leaders from the sector to participate in a unique international display of competence spanning all the construction trades.

BAU is also the world´s largest trade fair for architects and construction engineers, attracting more than 60,000 design professionals. The exhibits at the fair are organized according to building material and also product and theme areas.

The many attractive events in the supporting program, among them high-caliber forums with experts from all over the world, round off this industry showcase.


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