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The "Long Night of Architecture" has become a special highlight in the supporting program at BAU : - par būvniecību Latvijā

The "Long Night of Architecture" has become a special highlight in the supporting program at BAU

Foto: The "Long Night of Architecture" has become a special highlight in the supporting program at BAU

Experience the architecture of Munich in the glow of nightIt´s always an absolute highlight in the supporting program at BAU: The Long Night of Architecture, taking place in 2015 for the third time and featuring both classic favorites as well as many new buildings. On Friday, January 23, 2015 architecture buffs will have a choice of three tours of Munich´s most beautiful and interesting buildings. This event is a chance for BAU participants as well as the people of Munich to take a look behind the scenes in 50 buildings and experience their architecture in the glow of nighttime.

The Long Night of Architecture is taking place in 2015 for the third time, as part of BAU, the World´s Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems. The event is riding high on success – in 2013 over 20,000 people took part in these night-time tours, and a similar number is expected for the 2015 edition. At visitors can plan their own tour program for the Long Night of Architecture, choosing from the various routes on offer and buildings that are open on that night.

50 buildings, eleven routes

Eleven routes, each color-coded, are on offer, covering in total 50 buildings. Free shuttle buses operate on these routes, and visitors can hop on and hop off at any

time. At certain junctions routes cross, enabling people to combine different tours.

As well as the bus routes, there are also two walking routes in the inner city. The

main gathering place for visitors is Odeonsplatz, from where five of the tours begin. Inside the buses architecture students will be giving information about the buildings coming up next on the tour.

Munich from above and below

The new buildings on the program this year are in addition to an already broad spectrum of participating buildings: On the tours for the first time in 2015 are the Bavarian Parliament, the headquarters of Siemens on Wittelsbacherplatz, the Neo-Apostolic Church of Laim, the Kare cogeneration plant and Deutsche Flugsicherung (Air Traffic Control) at Munich Airport.

The HVB Tower, Munich´s highest building at present, is also a highlight on the program of the Long Night of Architecture. The night-time atmosphere of this building is being enhanced still further by an installation by the Berlin-based light artist Philipp Geist. For more on the renovation, go to:

The Light House Osram is also opening its doors to visitors on the evening of January  23. Less spectacular, but equally interesting, is a new building for Munich waterworks (Kanalbetriebsstation Ost). One entire route on the program is being devoted to the urban district of Riem, in which the exhibition center is located. On this route, visitors will also get the chance to go up onto the roof of the exhibition center, to have a look at the roof-mounted photovoltaic system there.

One thing is certain: whatever the route, there will be something for everyone – whether it be the "Media Bridge/UPSIDE EAST" or the "Palais an der Oper".

Guided tours for BAU exhibitors and visitors

In addition to the tours open to the general public, there are also guided tours with a fixed program for BAU exhibitors and visitors. Six VIP tours are on offer, each with a different motto, e.g. "Recognizing potential – New uses for existing buildings", and "Image-enhancing buildings – for start-ups and multinationals". The tours start at the exhibition center. Advance booking is required. Special group arrangements, with guides or explanations in foreign languages, are also possible.

Opening of the Long Night of Architecture in the Egyptian Museum

The opening ceremony for the Long Night of Architecture is to take place in the Museum of Egyptian Art. Also on show there will be a photographic exhibition of the best photos entered for the Facebook competition on "The Future of Building". At users can upload their pictures on the theme of architecture in and around Munich. The winners will be chosen by a jury and based upon the number of "Likes" received. The first prize is an SLR camera.

The "Long Night of Architecture" is organized by Messe München International in cooperation with the City of Munich and the Bavarian government (Supreme Building Authority of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior). Other supporters are the Poing Building Center and Hueck Aluminium Systems.

About BAU

BAU, the World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems, is the biggest and most important event in the sector. The next BAU takes place from January 19 to 24, 2015 at the Messe München exhibition center. Around 2,000 exhibitors from more than 40 countries and over 235,000 visitors from all around the world are expected to attend.

On display at BAU on 180,000 square meters of exhibition space – for years all the available space has been fully booked – are architectural solutions, materials and systems for commercial and residential construction and interiors, for both new-build and renovation and modernization. Every two years this event brings together market leaders from the sector to participate in a unique international display of competence spanning all the construction trades.

BAU is also the world´s largest trade fair for architects and construction engineers, attracting more than 60,000 design professionals. The exhibits at the fair are organized according to building material and also product and theme areas.

The many attractive events in the supporting program, among them high-caliber forums with experts from all over the world, round off this industry showcase.

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