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The exhibition sections at BAU 2015: Materials, technologies, systems – Part 1 : - par būvniecību Latvijā

The exhibition sections at BAU 2015: Materials, technologies, systems – Part 1

The exhibition sections at BAU 2015: Materials, technologies, systems – Part 1
Foto: The exhibition sections at BAU 2015: Materials, technologies, systems – Part 1

BAU 2015 is a 180,000 m² showcase of materials, technologies and systems. An area the size of 25 football pitches filled with state-of-the-art technology for the international building and construction industry. In a five-part series, we look at the main focuses in the individual sections at the show. In Part 1, we look at aluminum, gates and parking systems, and IT for the building industry (BAU IT).

Aluminum (Halls B1, C1)
Durable, corrosion-resistant and recyclable – these qualities make aluminum virtually predestined for use in a wide range of applications. The stability of this versatile material is also an attractive property in shading components and window profiles: Highly insulating systems are just as efficient as multi-chamber plastic windows, but longer-lasting and low in maintenance, which is why aluminum is setting trends in the window market. Slim profile widths increase the proportion of glazing, but without reducing energy efficiency. In addition aluminum profiles offer design scope beyond conventional powder-coating, e.g. anodizing and self-cleaning surfaces.

The IBA Hybrid House in Hamburg, a mixed residential/commercial building, was completed in 2013 to plans by the architectural partnership of Kleffel Papay Warncke Architekten: Its highly insulated aluminum frame with triple insulated glazing ensures not only high energy efficiency but also increased acoustic insulation, thanks to the design of the aluminum components in the system. Truly spectacular effects can be achieved on building envelopes through the use of aluminum. The "Blue Planet", for example, northern Europe´s largest and most modern aquarium, opened in 2013 in Copenhagen, looks like a giant, shimmering vortex. Here, Danish architects 3XN designed a flowing envelope of 1.2 mm thick shingles of a seawater and corrosion-resistant alloy of aluminum. As coated aluminum presents no risk of heavy metals being washed out in the rain, the rain water falling on the roof surfaces can be collected and used in the aquaria without the need for further purification.

As well as new product ideas in aluminum profiles and facades, the manufacturers exhibiting at BAU 2015 will be presenting extensive information on solar-shading and energy-generating systems.

Gate/parking systems (Halls B3, C3)

Automatic doors and gates are becoming ever more popular in an ever wider range of buildings – from industrial and retail to sports and medical facilities. More and more home owners, too, are starting to enjoy the benefits provided by these electronic systems; handicapped people, in particular, appreciate the flexibility they provide. Electronics is helping to make access systems simpler and more cost-effective, and other security aspects such as alarm signals, central locking and status reports on open windows, for example, are also very persuasive arguments. In addition, the new technology offers potential for increasing energy efficiency, through daylight deflection, for instance, or lighting controls. Operation is via radio signals, transponder, chip card or biometric data, but the trend is increasingly towards the use of smartphones and Bluetooth. Already 60 to 70 percent of new-fit roller shutters, awnings and gates are electronically operated. And with new front doors, too, the choice is increasingly for electronic operation. New developments are also taking place in interior doors, locks and fittings. In a trade forum on doors and gates, the German industrial association for gates, doors and frames, ttz (Industrieverband Tore Türen Zargen) and the European Door and Shutter Federation (E.D.S.F.) will be exploring the themes of fire and smoke protection, the product standard for gates and supporting standards, safety and operator responsibility, energy, comfort and universal design. As well as information about drive technology for gates and doors, the manufacturers exhibiting at BAU will be presenting a broad spectrum of gate and parking systems, and new developments in doors, gates, frames and accessories. Extensive information on building automation and building management systems rounds off this subject.

BAU IT (Hall C3)

BAU has also become Europe´s biggest showcase for software for the building and construction industry. In 2015, there will again be many exhibitors showcasing new developments in trend themes such as building information modeling and mobile solutions. New evaluation and calculation tools support planners through the concept and implementation phases. As well as software tools for design planning, the visitors can also look forward to a broad spectrum of IT solutions in the areas of measurement technology, tenders, awarding of contracts, billing, project planning, project management and controlling. The German association of building software (Bundesverband Bausoftware) is organizing a large joint stand of its members at BAU 2015.

BAU 2015 will again feature the competition "Built on IT – Building the Future". This accolade goes to IT solutions that optimize the process of building – these can be computing tools, simulations or animations, or also web blogs, websites and training platforms. The award ceremony takes place on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 in the Forum in Hall B0.

About BAU

BAU, the World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems, is the biggest and most important event in the sector. The last event took place from January 14 to 19, 2013 at the Messe München exhibition center. Over 2,000 exhibitors from more than 40 countries and over 235,000 visitors from all around the world took part in the show.

On display at BAU on 180,000 square meters of exhibition space – for years all the available space has been fully booked – are architectural solutions, materials and systems for commercial and residential construction and for interior fit-out, for both new-build and renovation and modernization. Every two years this event brings together market leaders from the sector to participate in a unique international display of competence spanning all the construction trades.

BAU is also the world´s largest trade fair for architects and construction engineers, attracting more than 60,000 design professionals. The exhibits at the fair are organized according to building material and also product and theme areas. Key topics for the future of the industry, such as sustainability and building for life, play an important role in all sections of the exhibition. The many attractive events in the supporting program, including high-caliber forums with experts from all over the world, round off this industry showcase.

The next BAU takes place from January 19 to 24, 2015 at the Messe München exhibition center.

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