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Total success for the anniversary trade fair R+T Asia 2014 : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Total success for the anniversary trade fair R+T Asia 2014

Total success for the anniversary trade fair R+T Asia 2014
Foto: Total success for the anniversary trade fair R+T Asia 2014

The Asian subsidiary of the leading world trade fair R+T, International Trade Fair for Roller Shutters, Doors/Gates and Sun Protection Systems in Shanghai, has become a permanent fixture

What began in 2004 as an ambitious project has meanwhile become the most important meeting-point for the roller shutter, door/gate and sun protection industry in Asia. R+T Asia has now celebrated its 10th anniversary and once again attracted a record number of exhibitors and visitors. 420 exhibitors from 18 countries presented their latest products and developments on a larger exhibition area of 42,000 square metres from 25 to 27 March 2014. A total of 21,876 visitors means that R+T Asia is therefore still on its growth path. It also appears that the prolonged success will be continued next year: 70 per cent of exhibitors booked their stands for R+T 2015 on the spot this year. David Zhong, President of VNU Exhibitions Asia, was very satisfied with the outcome of the anniversary trade fair: "We proved once more this year that R+T Asia is the leading industry trade fair in the Asia-Pacific region. We also see great potential in the future and are relying on an extension of our exhibitor areas."

Chinese economy keeps on growing
The trend towards internationalisation could be clearly seen at the trade fair. The increase in the number of exhibitors from 380 in 2013 to 420 and the higher proportion of international manufacturers are a clear indication of the expanding Chinese market. Instead of concentrating like in the past on the sale of Chinese products in other countries, the growing demand for imported products represents a paradigm change in the Chinese economy. It is also noticeable that the quality of products from Chinese manufacturers has improved significantly. The continuing boom in the construction industry in countries such as China, Taiwan or Malaysia and the associated demand for products from the roller shutter, door/gate and sun protection industry still offer potential for growth in the industry in the long term and hold out the promise of substantial expansion at R+T Asia in 2015. The topic of "green building technology" is becoming more important in this respect. Especially in the "German Pavilion", there are numerous exhibitors who are represented every year at R+T, a fact which underlines the importance of the Asia-Pacific economic area.

Valuable exchange of experience: the IWDS and InnovAction platforms
This year stimulating discussions and a valuable exchange of experience again took place during the International Windows and Doors Summit (IWDS), which has become a popular platform during the trade fair. Over a period of two days the latest trends were described by experts such as Peter Winters, President of the European umbrella organisation for sun protection (ES-SO, European Solar Shading Organisation) and Olaf Vögele, Technical Coordinator of the German industrial association ITRS (Industrial Association for Technical Textiles – Roller Shutters – Sun Protection). The focal points this year were the topic of "energy efficiency" and an estimate of the Australian sun protection market by the journalist James Boston, who provided an overview of R+T Australia 2014. The international participants from Europe and Asia then held an intensive discussion on questions relating to energy conservation methods and trends on the international sun protection market. The key topic in the doors/gates section was "operational safety". During talks and podium discussions renowned experts such as Chris Long, Chairman of the International Door Association (IDA), USA, Dennis Hill, Secretary of the Australian Garage and Door Association (AGDA), and Friedrich Klopotek, former Managing Director of the National Federation of Door and Gate Manufacturers (BVT Tore) exchanged experiences and information regarding the latest technical developments. The InnovAction platform, which was introduced in 2013, featured over 100 highly innovative products this year in order to make it easier for visitors to distinguish between the various innovations and appreciate outstanding results.

R+T Asia 2015 will be held from 24 to 26 March 2015. For the latest information, visit:

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