UK-Newport: Automaģistrāļu un ceļu būves, pamatu ielikšanas un virsmas noklāšanas darbi
Termiņš - 13-04-2010 Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts: The Isle of Wight Council, a Unitary Authority of the South Coast of England, currently requires a service provider to provide the management of the Isle of Wight Highways network, including the major rehabilitation and maintenance of the roads and associated assets during a Core Investment Period, and then undertake ongoing lifecycle maintenance for the remainder of the contract term, which is currently expected to be approximately 25 years.
UK-Newport: Automaģistrāļu un ceļu būves, pamatu ielikšanas un virsmas noklāšanas darbi
2010/S 45-066813
Isle of Wight Council, Highways PFI Project Team, 1 Langley Court, Isle of Wight, Kontakti Highways PFI Project Team, Ievērībai David Stilwell, Newport PO30 1LA, UNITED KINGDOM. Tālr. +44 1983821000. E-pasts
Interneta adrese(-s):
Pasūtītāja vispārējā adrese:
Papildu informāciju var saņemt: Iepriekš minētajā(-os) kontaktpunktā(-os).
Specifikācijas un papildu dokumentāciju (ieskaitot dokumentus attiecībā uz cenu aptauju un dinamisko iepirkumu sistēmu) var saņemt: Iepriekš minētajā(-os) kontaktpunktā(-os).
Piedāvājumi vai dalības pieteikumi jānosūta: Iepriekš minētajam(-iem) kontaktpunktam(-iem).
Reģionāla vai vietēja iestāde.
Vispārēji sabiedriskie pakalpojumi.
Līgumslēdzēja iestāde pērk citu līgumslēdzēju iestāžu vārdā: nē
II.1.1) Līguma nosaukums, ko piešķīrusi līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
Isle of Wight - Highways PFI.
II.1.2) Līguma veids un būvdarbu veikšanas, piegādes vai pakalpojumu sniegšanas vieta:
Pakalpojumu kategorija Nr. 1.
Galvenā pakalpojumu sniegšanas vieta: Isle of Wight.
NUTS kods: UKJ34 .
II.1.3) Paziņojums paredz:
Iepirkuma līgumu
II.1.4) Informācija par pamatnolīgumu:
II.1.5) Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts:
The Isle of Wight Council, a Unitary Authority of the South Coast of England, currently requires a service provider to provide the management of the Isle of Wight Highways network, including the major rehabilitation and maintenance of the roads and associated assets during a Core Investment Period, and then undertake ongoing lifecycle maintenance for the remainder of the contract term, which is currently expected to be approximately 25 years. The contract will transform the Island’s highway network whilst providing benefits for the local community and act as a cornerstone to enhance the economic prosperity of the Island in line with the Authority's strategic objectives.
The project will be based on a ‘fence to fence’ approach and services may include, but not be limited to:
— Management, refurbishment and maintenance of all publicly maintained rural and urban roads including A, B, C classified and all unclassified roads including structures, kerbs, cycleways and footways, verges and the road drainage system. The only roads on the island that will not be included in the project are those which are unadopted,
— Ongoing lifecycle, routine and winter maintenance and operation of all associated assets,
— Assessment and provision of containment in line with national standards of parapets, piers, bridge soffits and retaining walls,
— Upgrade of structures to 40 Tonne capacity,
— Upgrade/replacement and maintenance of all traffic signals, streetlighting columns, illuminated bollards and safety cameras,
— Lifecycle, routine maintenance and operation of CCTV control room and cameras,
— Amenity and highway verge cutting, weed control, street cleansing, ditching, quartering, drain and gully cleansing,
— Capital, maintenance and development works to both on and off-street car parks,
— Capital and routine maintenance to on and off street parking meters,
— Comments on relevant planning applications and implementing adoption procedures,
— Undertaking highway condition surveys, asset data collection and provision of National Indicator data and updating of Transport Asset Management Plan,
— General highway and land drainage consultation and advice,
— Installation and maintenance of coastal (including Geotechnical) monitoring equipment,
— Emergency callouts for fallen trees, flooding, etc,
— Enforcement of overhanging vegetation, obstructions, illegal footway crossings, safety cameras and abandoned vehicles (not through courts),
— Issuing of relevant permissions and licenses under statute regulations and Authority policy, procedures and directions.
— Dealing with customer reports and complaints, third party insurance claims, business and financial support, maintenance of Local Street Gazetteer and highway inspections,
— Stakeholder Management,
— Grounds and tree maintenance,
— UMTS Services,
— Design and construction of improvement schemes,
— Civil emergencies,
— Operation and maintenance of Yarmouth swingbridge,
— Refurbishment and maintenance of signs, bollards, barriers, railings and street furniture etc,
— Updating and maintenance of network traffic model,
— Any other highway related services yet to be determined.
Detailed asset inventory and condition information is available. The Isle of Wight road network will be the first largely rural network with non-standard vehicle growth patterns to adopt a PFI delivery methodology. The opportunity, therefore, exists to establish a contract that is best suited to the requirements of the island. A more detailed description of the Project is included in the Memorandum of Information, a copy of which will be provided along with a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) to those organisations expressing an interest by e-mailing such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010; notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority and therefore considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010.
45233000, 34922100, 09134200, 31000000, 34923000, 34927100, 34928110, 34928450, 34929000, 34992000, 34992100, 34992200, 34993000, 34996300, 44113910, 44212120, 45112730, 45221100, 45221110, 45221119, 45223300, 45232451, 45232452, 45233100, 45233120, 45233128, 45233130, 45233139, 45233141, 45233142, 45233162, 45233210, 45233220, 45233221, 45233229, 45233251, 45233253, 45233262, 45233270, 45233280, 45233290, 45233291, 45233293, 45233294, 45233310, 45262300, 45262330, 45262620, 45315100, 45315300, 45316110, 45316210, 45316211, 45316212, 50000000, 50230000, 50232100, 50232110, 50232200, 50324200, 51214000, 71311210, 71311220, 71322000, 71630000, 71631400, 71631450, 71631480, 77211500, 77300000, 77314000, 90610000, 90620000, 90630000, 90640000, 34928500, 34928510, 34928530, 34992300, 34996000, 45000000, 45200000, 45233252, 45316100, 45453100, 79342300, 79342311, 60610000, 34512100, 50241200, 45233340, 45213312, 45210000, 79112100, 63712200, 71356400, 34144300, 64212700, 71351500, 45111250, 98351000, 45233161.
II.1.7) Līgums, uz kuru attiecas Valsts iepirkuma nolīgums (GPA - Government Procurement Agreement):
II.1.8) Sadalījums daļās:
II.1.9) Var iesniegt piedāvājumu variantus:
II.2.1) Kopējais apjoms vai galējās robežas:
See II.1.5 above.
Paredzamā vērtība, bez PVN:
diapazons robežās: no 1 000 000 000,00 līdz 1 200 000 000,00 GBP.
II.2.2) Iespējas:
Darbības laiks dienās: 9706 (no līguma slēgšanas tiesību piešķiršanas brīža).
III.1.1) Vajadzīgās iemaksas un garantijas:
The Authority will require Direct Agreements from Principal Service Providers, supported, where appropriate, by parent company guarantees. The Authority's particular requirements will be set out in the PQQ and/or tender documentation and may include, inter alia, parent company guarantee(s) and/or other form of security.
III.1.2) Galvenie finansiālie nosacījumi un noteikumi maksājumu jomā un/vai atsauce uz attiecīgajiem noteikumiem, kas tos regulē:
This Project is partially funded by the Government's Private Finance Initiative. However, whilst the expectation is that financing for the project will predominantly if not wholly be from private finance the Authority reserves the right to provide or procure capital contributions and/or finance the project, which may include capital funding via HM Treasury's Infrastructure Finance Unit (TIFU). The amount of any such capital contribution and/or funding will be determined by the Authority during the procurement. This will be explored further with Bidders during the dialogue phase of the Competitive Dialogue process.
At present, it is not proposed that a formal funding competition will be a mandatory element.
In the procurement process. The Authority will however closely monitor the funding markets and the progress of similar deals (with and without mandatory funding competitions), retain an unfettered right to hold a funding competition, maintain an active engagement with all Bidders on the state of the funding markets and use the Competitive Dialogue process to establish whether Bidders could offer better value as a result of testing the whole market for funding terms. The Authority is currently intending to contract with an organisation for a period of approximately 26 years. However, the Authority reserves the right to award a contract for a period of between 20 and 30 years and will discuss variant funding solutions or a variant contract term proposed by Bidders as part of the Competitive Dialogue procurement process. Further details will be set out in the Dialogue documentation.
III.1.3) Juridiskā forma, kādā jāapvienojas komersantu (uzņēmēju) grupai, kurai piešķirtas līguma slēgšanas tiesības:
Groupings, irrespective of their current legal form, may submit bids. Bidders may, after forming a grouping, submit a bid on condition that it complies with the rules of competition. Such groupings (or consortia) must specify the organisation (the 'Respondent') and person heading the bid ('Principal Contact') and must ensure that this person signs the certification section of the Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) to confirm their authority to submit the bid.
Bids from groupings or consortia of firms or groups of service providers, contractors or suppliers must specify the role, qualifications and experience of each member who will be responsible for delivering the Principal Services.
The Authority is seeking a private sector partner or partners to take responsibility for delivery of the Project and manage a supply chain of providers.
The Authority reserves the right to require groupings of organisations to take a particular legal form or to require a single organisation to take primary liability or to require that each party undertakes joint and several liability for the delivery of the Contract.
The Authority's particular requirements are to be determined, but the Authority may require that any contract(s) awarded shall be entered into by a single entity on the part of the successful candidate(s).
III.1.4) Citi konkrēti nosacījumi, kas attiecināmi uz līguma izpildi:
The services required to be performed by the Service Provider will comprise Core and Non-Core Services.
It is currently envisaged that the Core Services will be paid for by a Unitary Charge on a monthly basis at an agreed monetary rate, subject to the Service Provider fulfilling the performance requirements to be set out in the Contract. Deductions for failure to perform to the required standards will be determined in accordance with the Contract. It is currently envisaged that payment for Non-Core Services will be made in accordance with an agreed Schedule of Rates or other mechanisms to be set out in the Contract. However, the payment terms will be the subject of dialogue with Bidders and an alternative mechanism may be pursued.
III.2.1) Komersantu (uzņēmēju) personiskais stāvoklis, ieskaitot prasības attiecībā uz iekļaušanu profesiju vai arodu reģistros:
Informācija un formalitātes, kas nepieciešamas, lai izvērtētu, vai prasības ir izpildītas: Organisations wishing to express an interest in the project must e-mail such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010, these organisations shall be sent the Pre-Qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and Memorandum of Information (MOI). Notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority enabling the organisation to be considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010. All questions in the PQQ must be responded to in full with accompanying information provided as relevant, in order to be considered further. The Authority reserves the right to request clarification information and/or interview organisations who submit PQQs, as part of the evaluation process. Candidates will be assessed in accordance with Part 4 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, as amended, on the basis of information provided in response to the PQQ.
III.2.2) Saimnieciskās un finansiālās spējas:
Informācija un formalitātes, kas nepieciešamas, lai izvērtētu, vai prasības ir izpildītas: Organisations wishing to express an interest in the project must e-mail such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010, these organisations shall be sent the Pre-Qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and Memorandum of Information (MOI). Notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority enabling the organisation to be considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010. All questions in the PQQ must be responded to in full with accompanying information provided if required. The Authority reserves the right to request clarification information and/or interview organisations who submit PQQs, as.
Part of the evaluation process. All PQQ's will be evaluated in accordance with Article 47 of Directive 2004/18/EC and Regulation 24 of the Public Contract Regulations 2006.
Minimālās prasības standartiem, kas varētu būt jāizpilda: Pre-qualification evaluation scoring and weightings are detailed in the PQQ.
III.2.3) Tehniskās spējas:
Informācija un formalitātes, kas nepieciešamas, lai izvērtētu, vai prasības ir izpildītas:
Organisations wishing to express an interest in the project must e-mail such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010, these organisations shall be sent the Pre-Qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and Memorandum of Information (MOI). Notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority enabling the organisation to be considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010. All questions in the PQQ must be responded to in full with accompanying information provided if required. The Authority reserves the right to request clarification information and/or interview organisations who submit PQQs, as.
Part of the evaluation process. All PQQ's will be evaluated in accordance with Articles 48 to 50 of Directive 2004/18/EC and Regulation 25 of the Public Contract Regulations 2006.
Minimālās prasības standartiem, kas varētu būt jāizpilda:
Pre-qualification evaluation scoring and weightings are detailed in the PQQ.
III.2.4) Priviliģēto tiesību līgumi (Rezervēti līgumi):
III.3.1) Pakalpojuma izpildei nepieciešama konkrēta profesionālā kvalifikācija:
III.3.2) Juridiskām personām ir jānorāda par pakalpojumu izpildi atbildīgo darbinieku vārdi un profesionālā kvalifikācija:
IV.1.1) Procedūras veids:
Cenu aptauja.
IV.1.2) Ierobežojumi attiecībā uz uzņēmēju skaitu, kurus uzaicinās iesniegt piedāvājumus vai piedalīties:
Paredzētais minimālais skaits: 5. Maksimālais skaits: 6
Objektīvie kritēriji, lai izvēlētos ierobežotu kandidātu skaitu: The Authority intends to invite between 5 & 6 candidates to participate in dialogue on the basis of the ranking of candidates at the PQQ evaluation stage.
IV.1.3) Uzņēmēju skaita samazināšana sarunu vai aptaujas laikā:
Piemēro procedūru, ko dala posmos, lai pakāpeniski samazinātu apspriežamo risinājumu vai piedāvājumu skaitu jā
IV.2.1) Piešķiršanas kritēriji:
Saimnieciski visizdevīgākais piedāvājums, kas izvērtēts saskaņā ar kritēriji, kas noteikti specifikācijās, uzaicinājumā iesniegt piedāvājumus vai uzsākt sarunas, vai aprakstošā dokumetā
IV.2.2) Tiks piemērota elektroniskā izsole:
IV.3.1) Identifikācijas numurs, ko piešķīrusi līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
IV.3.2) Iepriekšēja(-as) publikācija(-as) par šo pašu līgumu:
Iepriekšējs informatīvs paziņojums
Paziņojuma numurs OV: 2009/S 116-167633 19.6.2009.
IV.3.3) Nosacījumi, lai saņemtu specifikācijas un papildu dokumentāciju vai aprakstošo dokumentu:
IV.3.4) Termiņš piedāvājumu vai dalības pieteikumu saņemšanai:
13.4.2010 - 14:00.
IV.3.5) Dalības vai piedāvājumu iesniegšanas uzaicinājumu nosūtīšanas datums atlasītajiem kandidātiem:
IV.3.6) Valoda(-s), kuru(-as) var izmantot piedāvājumā vai dalības pieteikumā:
IV.3.7) Minimālais laika posms, kura laikā pretendentam jāuztur piedāvājums:
IV.3.8) Nosacījumi piedāvājumu atvēršanai:
For the purposes of clarification, organisations wishing to express an interest in the project must e-mail such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010, these organisations shall be sent the Pre-Qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and Memorandum of Information (MOI). Notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority enabling the organisation to be considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010.
The Authority shall hold a 'Bidder's Day' in order to provide further information relating to the Project on 25/03/10 on the Isle of Wight. Organisations, either individual, or as a consortium, who are interested in delivering the services outlined in II.1.5 wishing to attend this event must e-mail their request to attend to: no later than 2pm on 16/3/10.
Section II.1.9 - Variants may be permissible within parameters to be set out in the Invitation to Submit Outline/Detailed/Refined Solution/CFT documentation.
The Authority expressly reserves the right:
(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice;
(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the tendering competition;
(iii) to award (a) contract(s) in respect of any part(s) of the services or works covered by this notice, and;
(iv) to award contract(s) in stages.
And in no circumstances will the Authority be liable for any costs incurred by candidates.
The contract shall be made in England and according to English Law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Tenders and all supporting documents must be priced in sterling and all contract payments will be made in sterling. All discussion and/or meetings will be conducted in English.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000 which came into force on 1.1.2005 applies to the Authority. If any tenderer considers that any information supplied by them is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases the relevant.
Material will, in response to FOI requests be examined in light of the Act.
The Authority and its advisers shall not be liable for any costs resulting from cancellation of this process.
(1) Each organisation acknowledges that it proceeds with the preparation and submission of the PQQ and, if appropriate, proceeds in the competitive dialogue process at its own risk and shall bear all of its own legal and other fees, costs and expenses in relation to the preparation and submission of any PQQ, Initial Bid or Final Tender, the competitive dialogue and any formal contract arising from them.
(2) Each Bidder is responsible for obtaining all necessary information for the preparation of any submission in the event of the appointment of a bidder as Preferred Bidder by the Authority, the relevant Bidder will be responsible for all of its legal costs and for all the costs, expenses and liabilities incurred both (i) prior to such appointment and (ii) from such appointment to the conclusion of the process, whether by the bidder and the authority entering into a formal written contract or otherwise, including but not limited to:
2.1 in respect of any clarification and fine tuning carried out after appointment of the bidder as Preferred Bidder;
2.2 in respect of any activities necessary to secure funding for the Project;
2.3 in making any applications to any body; and/or
2.4 in relation to the execution of any documentation for the purpose of performing its obligations in accordance with any contract with the Authority. (3) For the avoidance of doubt, Bidders shall be responsible for their own costs and the Authority shall not be liable for third party costs of any description incurred by the Bidder where the Authority has cancelled or varied the process or they have been disqualified for any reason provided by any of the procurement documentation issued during the procurement process.
VI.4.1) Struktūra, kas atbildīga par pārsūdzības procedūrām:
The High Court, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL, UNITED KINGDOM.
VI.4.2) Pārsūdzību iesniegšana:
Precīza informācija par termiņu(-iem), lai iesniegtu pārsūdzību: The Authority will incorporate a minimum 10 calendar day standstill period at the point information on the award of the contract is communicated to tenderers. Applicants who are unsuccessful shall be informed by the Authority as soon as possible after the decision has been made as to the reasons why the Applicant was unsuccessful. If an appeal regarding the award of the contract has not been successfully resolved, The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 No. 5) as amended by the Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (SI2009 no.2992) provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland). Any such action must be brought promptly (generally within three months). If a declaration of ineffectiveness is sought, any such action must be brought within 30 days where the Authority has communicated the award of the contract and a summary of reasons to tenderers, or otherwise within 6 months of a contract being entered into. Where a contract has not been entered into, the Court may order the setting aside of the award decision or order the authority to amend any document and may award damages. If the contract has been entered into the Court may, depending on the circumstances, award damages, make a declaration of ineffectiveness, order the Authority to pay a fine, and/or order that the duration of the contract be shortened. The purpose of the standstill period referred to above is to allow the parties to apply to the Courts to set aside the award decision before the contract is entered into.
VI.4.3) Iestādes, kur var saņemt informāciju par pārsūdzību iesniegšanu:
2010/S 45-066813
Isle of Wight Council, Highways PFI Project Team, 1 Langley Court, Isle of Wight, Kontakti Highways PFI Project Team, Ievērībai David Stilwell, Newport PO30 1LA, UNITED KINGDOM. Tālr. +44 1983821000. E-pasts
Interneta adrese(-s):
Pasūtītāja vispārējā adrese:
Papildu informāciju var saņemt: Iepriekš minētajā(-os) kontaktpunktā(-os).
Specifikācijas un papildu dokumentāciju (ieskaitot dokumentus attiecībā uz cenu aptauju un dinamisko iepirkumu sistēmu) var saņemt: Iepriekš minētajā(-os) kontaktpunktā(-os).
Piedāvājumi vai dalības pieteikumi jānosūta: Iepriekš minētajam(-iem) kontaktpunktam(-iem).
Reģionāla vai vietēja iestāde.
Vispārēji sabiedriskie pakalpojumi.
Līgumslēdzēja iestāde pērk citu līgumslēdzēju iestāžu vārdā: nē
II.1.1) Līguma nosaukums, ko piešķīrusi līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
Isle of Wight - Highways PFI.
II.1.2) Līguma veids un būvdarbu veikšanas, piegādes vai pakalpojumu sniegšanas vieta:
Pakalpojumu kategorija Nr. 1.
Galvenā pakalpojumu sniegšanas vieta: Isle of Wight.
NUTS kods: UKJ34 .
II.1.3) Paziņojums paredz:
Iepirkuma līgumu
II.1.4) Informācija par pamatnolīgumu:
II.1.5) Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts:
The Isle of Wight Council, a Unitary Authority of the South Coast of England, currently requires a service provider to provide the management of the Isle of Wight Highways network, including the major rehabilitation and maintenance of the roads and associated assets during a Core Investment Period, and then undertake ongoing lifecycle maintenance for the remainder of the contract term, which is currently expected to be approximately 25 years. The contract will transform the Island’s highway network whilst providing benefits for the local community and act as a cornerstone to enhance the economic prosperity of the Island in line with the Authority's strategic objectives.
The project will be based on a ‘fence to fence’ approach and services may include, but not be limited to:
— Management, refurbishment and maintenance of all publicly maintained rural and urban roads including A, B, C classified and all unclassified roads including structures, kerbs, cycleways and footways, verges and the road drainage system. The only roads on the island that will not be included in the project are those which are unadopted,
— Ongoing lifecycle, routine and winter maintenance and operation of all associated assets,
— Assessment and provision of containment in line with national standards of parapets, piers, bridge soffits and retaining walls,
— Upgrade of structures to 40 Tonne capacity,
— Upgrade/replacement and maintenance of all traffic signals, streetlighting columns, illuminated bollards and safety cameras,
— Lifecycle, routine maintenance and operation of CCTV control room and cameras,
— Amenity and highway verge cutting, weed control, street cleansing, ditching, quartering, drain and gully cleansing,
— Capital, maintenance and development works to both on and off-street car parks,
— Capital and routine maintenance to on and off street parking meters,
— Comments on relevant planning applications and implementing adoption procedures,
— Undertaking highway condition surveys, asset data collection and provision of National Indicator data and updating of Transport Asset Management Plan,
— General highway and land drainage consultation and advice,
— Installation and maintenance of coastal (including Geotechnical) monitoring equipment,
— Emergency callouts for fallen trees, flooding, etc,
— Enforcement of overhanging vegetation, obstructions, illegal footway crossings, safety cameras and abandoned vehicles (not through courts),
— Issuing of relevant permissions and licenses under statute regulations and Authority policy, procedures and directions.
— Dealing with customer reports and complaints, third party insurance claims, business and financial support, maintenance of Local Street Gazetteer and highway inspections,
— Stakeholder Management,
— Grounds and tree maintenance,
— UMTS Services,
— Design and construction of improvement schemes,
— Civil emergencies,
— Operation and maintenance of Yarmouth swingbridge,
— Refurbishment and maintenance of signs, bollards, barriers, railings and street furniture etc,
— Updating and maintenance of network traffic model,
— Any other highway related services yet to be determined.
Detailed asset inventory and condition information is available. The Isle of Wight road network will be the first largely rural network with non-standard vehicle growth patterns to adopt a PFI delivery methodology. The opportunity, therefore, exists to establish a contract that is best suited to the requirements of the island. A more detailed description of the Project is included in the Memorandum of Information, a copy of which will be provided along with a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) to those organisations expressing an interest by e-mailing such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010; notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority and therefore considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010.
45233000, 34922100, 09134200, 31000000, 34923000, 34927100, 34928110, 34928450, 34929000, 34992000, 34992100, 34992200, 34993000, 34996300, 44113910, 44212120, 45112730, 45221100, 45221110, 45221119, 45223300, 45232451, 45232452, 45233100, 45233120, 45233128, 45233130, 45233139, 45233141, 45233142, 45233162, 45233210, 45233220, 45233221, 45233229, 45233251, 45233253, 45233262, 45233270, 45233280, 45233290, 45233291, 45233293, 45233294, 45233310, 45262300, 45262330, 45262620, 45315100, 45315300, 45316110, 45316210, 45316211, 45316212, 50000000, 50230000, 50232100, 50232110, 50232200, 50324200, 51214000, 71311210, 71311220, 71322000, 71630000, 71631400, 71631450, 71631480, 77211500, 77300000, 77314000, 90610000, 90620000, 90630000, 90640000, 34928500, 34928510, 34928530, 34992300, 34996000, 45000000, 45200000, 45233252, 45316100, 45453100, 79342300, 79342311, 60610000, 34512100, 50241200, 45233340, 45213312, 45210000, 79112100, 63712200, 71356400, 34144300, 64212700, 71351500, 45111250, 98351000, 45233161.
II.1.7) Līgums, uz kuru attiecas Valsts iepirkuma nolīgums (GPA - Government Procurement Agreement):
II.1.8) Sadalījums daļās:
II.1.9) Var iesniegt piedāvājumu variantus:
II.2.1) Kopējais apjoms vai galējās robežas:
See II.1.5 above.
Paredzamā vērtība, bez PVN:
diapazons robežās: no 1 000 000 000,00 līdz 1 200 000 000,00 GBP.
II.2.2) Iespējas:
Darbības laiks dienās: 9706 (no līguma slēgšanas tiesību piešķiršanas brīža).
III.1.1) Vajadzīgās iemaksas un garantijas:
The Authority will require Direct Agreements from Principal Service Providers, supported, where appropriate, by parent company guarantees. The Authority's particular requirements will be set out in the PQQ and/or tender documentation and may include, inter alia, parent company guarantee(s) and/or other form of security.
III.1.2) Galvenie finansiālie nosacījumi un noteikumi maksājumu jomā un/vai atsauce uz attiecīgajiem noteikumiem, kas tos regulē:
This Project is partially funded by the Government's Private Finance Initiative. However, whilst the expectation is that financing for the project will predominantly if not wholly be from private finance the Authority reserves the right to provide or procure capital contributions and/or finance the project, which may include capital funding via HM Treasury's Infrastructure Finance Unit (TIFU). The amount of any such capital contribution and/or funding will be determined by the Authority during the procurement. This will be explored further with Bidders during the dialogue phase of the Competitive Dialogue process.
At present, it is not proposed that a formal funding competition will be a mandatory element.
In the procurement process. The Authority will however closely monitor the funding markets and the progress of similar deals (with and without mandatory funding competitions), retain an unfettered right to hold a funding competition, maintain an active engagement with all Bidders on the state of the funding markets and use the Competitive Dialogue process to establish whether Bidders could offer better value as a result of testing the whole market for funding terms. The Authority is currently intending to contract with an organisation for a period of approximately 26 years. However, the Authority reserves the right to award a contract for a period of between 20 and 30 years and will discuss variant funding solutions or a variant contract term proposed by Bidders as part of the Competitive Dialogue procurement process. Further details will be set out in the Dialogue documentation.
III.1.3) Juridiskā forma, kādā jāapvienojas komersantu (uzņēmēju) grupai, kurai piešķirtas līguma slēgšanas tiesības:
Groupings, irrespective of their current legal form, may submit bids. Bidders may, after forming a grouping, submit a bid on condition that it complies with the rules of competition. Such groupings (or consortia) must specify the organisation (the 'Respondent') and person heading the bid ('Principal Contact') and must ensure that this person signs the certification section of the Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) to confirm their authority to submit the bid.
Bids from groupings or consortia of firms or groups of service providers, contractors or suppliers must specify the role, qualifications and experience of each member who will be responsible for delivering the Principal Services.
The Authority is seeking a private sector partner or partners to take responsibility for delivery of the Project and manage a supply chain of providers.
The Authority reserves the right to require groupings of organisations to take a particular legal form or to require a single organisation to take primary liability or to require that each party undertakes joint and several liability for the delivery of the Contract.
The Authority's particular requirements are to be determined, but the Authority may require that any contract(s) awarded shall be entered into by a single entity on the part of the successful candidate(s).
III.1.4) Citi konkrēti nosacījumi, kas attiecināmi uz līguma izpildi:
The services required to be performed by the Service Provider will comprise Core and Non-Core Services.
It is currently envisaged that the Core Services will be paid for by a Unitary Charge on a monthly basis at an agreed monetary rate, subject to the Service Provider fulfilling the performance requirements to be set out in the Contract. Deductions for failure to perform to the required standards will be determined in accordance with the Contract. It is currently envisaged that payment for Non-Core Services will be made in accordance with an agreed Schedule of Rates or other mechanisms to be set out in the Contract. However, the payment terms will be the subject of dialogue with Bidders and an alternative mechanism may be pursued.
III.2.1) Komersantu (uzņēmēju) personiskais stāvoklis, ieskaitot prasības attiecībā uz iekļaušanu profesiju vai arodu reģistros:
Informācija un formalitātes, kas nepieciešamas, lai izvērtētu, vai prasības ir izpildītas: Organisations wishing to express an interest in the project must e-mail such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010, these organisations shall be sent the Pre-Qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and Memorandum of Information (MOI). Notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority enabling the organisation to be considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010. All questions in the PQQ must be responded to in full with accompanying information provided as relevant, in order to be considered further. The Authority reserves the right to request clarification information and/or interview organisations who submit PQQs, as part of the evaluation process. Candidates will be assessed in accordance with Part 4 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, as amended, on the basis of information provided in response to the PQQ.
III.2.2) Saimnieciskās un finansiālās spējas:
Informācija un formalitātes, kas nepieciešamas, lai izvērtētu, vai prasības ir izpildītas: Organisations wishing to express an interest in the project must e-mail such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010, these organisations shall be sent the Pre-Qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and Memorandum of Information (MOI). Notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority enabling the organisation to be considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010. All questions in the PQQ must be responded to in full with accompanying information provided if required. The Authority reserves the right to request clarification information and/or interview organisations who submit PQQs, as.
Part of the evaluation process. All PQQ's will be evaluated in accordance with Article 47 of Directive 2004/18/EC and Regulation 24 of the Public Contract Regulations 2006.
Minimālās prasības standartiem, kas varētu būt jāizpilda: Pre-qualification evaluation scoring and weightings are detailed in the PQQ.
III.2.3) Tehniskās spējas:
Informācija un formalitātes, kas nepieciešamas, lai izvērtētu, vai prasības ir izpildītas:
Organisations wishing to express an interest in the project must e-mail such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010, these organisations shall be sent the Pre-Qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and Memorandum of Information (MOI). Notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority enabling the organisation to be considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010. All questions in the PQQ must be responded to in full with accompanying information provided if required. The Authority reserves the right to request clarification information and/or interview organisations who submit PQQs, as.
Part of the evaluation process. All PQQ's will be evaluated in accordance with Articles 48 to 50 of Directive 2004/18/EC and Regulation 25 of the Public Contract Regulations 2006.
Minimālās prasības standartiem, kas varētu būt jāizpilda:
Pre-qualification evaluation scoring and weightings are detailed in the PQQ.
III.2.4) Priviliģēto tiesību līgumi (Rezervēti līgumi):
III.3.1) Pakalpojuma izpildei nepieciešama konkrēta profesionālā kvalifikācija:
III.3.2) Juridiskām personām ir jānorāda par pakalpojumu izpildi atbildīgo darbinieku vārdi un profesionālā kvalifikācija:
IV.1.1) Procedūras veids:
Cenu aptauja.
IV.1.2) Ierobežojumi attiecībā uz uzņēmēju skaitu, kurus uzaicinās iesniegt piedāvājumus vai piedalīties:
Paredzētais minimālais skaits: 5. Maksimālais skaits: 6
Objektīvie kritēriji, lai izvēlētos ierobežotu kandidātu skaitu: The Authority intends to invite between 5 & 6 candidates to participate in dialogue on the basis of the ranking of candidates at the PQQ evaluation stage.
IV.1.3) Uzņēmēju skaita samazināšana sarunu vai aptaujas laikā:
Piemēro procedūru, ko dala posmos, lai pakāpeniski samazinātu apspriežamo risinājumu vai piedāvājumu skaitu jā
IV.2.1) Piešķiršanas kritēriji:
Saimnieciski visizdevīgākais piedāvājums, kas izvērtēts saskaņā ar kritēriji, kas noteikti specifikācijās, uzaicinājumā iesniegt piedāvājumus vai uzsākt sarunas, vai aprakstošā dokumetā
IV.2.2) Tiks piemērota elektroniskā izsole:
IV.3.1) Identifikācijas numurs, ko piešķīrusi līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
IV.3.2) Iepriekšēja(-as) publikācija(-as) par šo pašu līgumu:
Iepriekšējs informatīvs paziņojums
Paziņojuma numurs OV: 2009/S 116-167633 19.6.2009.
IV.3.3) Nosacījumi, lai saņemtu specifikācijas un papildu dokumentāciju vai aprakstošo dokumentu:
IV.3.4) Termiņš piedāvājumu vai dalības pieteikumu saņemšanai:
13.4.2010 - 14:00.
IV.3.5) Dalības vai piedāvājumu iesniegšanas uzaicinājumu nosūtīšanas datums atlasītajiem kandidātiem:
IV.3.6) Valoda(-s), kuru(-as) var izmantot piedāvājumā vai dalības pieteikumā:
IV.3.7) Minimālais laika posms, kura laikā pretendentam jāuztur piedāvājums:
IV.3.8) Nosacījumi piedāvājumu atvēršanai:
For the purposes of clarification, organisations wishing to express an interest in the project must e-mail such to the contact point in I.1 no later than 2pm on 13.4.2010, these organisations shall be sent the Pre-Qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and Memorandum of Information (MOI). Notwithstanding this, the PQQ and MOI shall be available on request from the date of publishing of this notice. NB – in order for a completed PQQ to be evaluated by the Authority enabling the organisation to be considered for the later tender stages, a completed PQQ must be received by the Authority in accordance with the instructions in the PQQ, no later than 2pm on 20.4.2010.
The Authority shall hold a 'Bidder's Day' in order to provide further information relating to the Project on 25/03/10 on the Isle of Wight. Organisations, either individual, or as a consortium, who are interested in delivering the services outlined in II.1.5 wishing to attend this event must e-mail their request to attend to: no later than 2pm on 16/3/10.
Section II.1.9 - Variants may be permissible within parameters to be set out in the Invitation to Submit Outline/Detailed/Refined Solution/CFT documentation.
The Authority expressly reserves the right:
(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice;
(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the tendering competition;
(iii) to award (a) contract(s) in respect of any part(s) of the services or works covered by this notice, and;
(iv) to award contract(s) in stages.
And in no circumstances will the Authority be liable for any costs incurred by candidates.
The contract shall be made in England and according to English Law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Tenders and all supporting documents must be priced in sterling and all contract payments will be made in sterling. All discussion and/or meetings will be conducted in English.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000 which came into force on 1.1.2005 applies to the Authority. If any tenderer considers that any information supplied by them is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases the relevant.
Material will, in response to FOI requests be examined in light of the Act.
The Authority and its advisers shall not be liable for any costs resulting from cancellation of this process.
(1) Each organisation acknowledges that it proceeds with the preparation and submission of the PQQ and, if appropriate, proceeds in the competitive dialogue process at its own risk and shall bear all of its own legal and other fees, costs and expenses in relation to the preparation and submission of any PQQ, Initial Bid or Final Tender, the competitive dialogue and any formal contract arising from them.
(2) Each Bidder is responsible for obtaining all necessary information for the preparation of any submission in the event of the appointment of a bidder as Preferred Bidder by the Authority, the relevant Bidder will be responsible for all of its legal costs and for all the costs, expenses and liabilities incurred both (i) prior to such appointment and (ii) from such appointment to the conclusion of the process, whether by the bidder and the authority entering into a formal written contract or otherwise, including but not limited to:
2.1 in respect of any clarification and fine tuning carried out after appointment of the bidder as Preferred Bidder;
2.2 in respect of any activities necessary to secure funding for the Project;
2.3 in making any applications to any body; and/or
2.4 in relation to the execution of any documentation for the purpose of performing its obligations in accordance with any contract with the Authority. (3) For the avoidance of doubt, Bidders shall be responsible for their own costs and the Authority shall not be liable for third party costs of any description incurred by the Bidder where the Authority has cancelled or varied the process or they have been disqualified for any reason provided by any of the procurement documentation issued during the procurement process.
VI.4.1) Struktūra, kas atbildīga par pārsūdzības procedūrām:
The High Court, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL, UNITED KINGDOM.
VI.4.2) Pārsūdzību iesniegšana:
Precīza informācija par termiņu(-iem), lai iesniegtu pārsūdzību: The Authority will incorporate a minimum 10 calendar day standstill period at the point information on the award of the contract is communicated to tenderers. Applicants who are unsuccessful shall be informed by the Authority as soon as possible after the decision has been made as to the reasons why the Applicant was unsuccessful. If an appeal regarding the award of the contract has not been successfully resolved, The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 No. 5) as amended by the Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (SI2009 no.2992) provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland). Any such action must be brought promptly (generally within three months). If a declaration of ineffectiveness is sought, any such action must be brought within 30 days where the Authority has communicated the award of the contract and a summary of reasons to tenderers, or otherwise within 6 months of a contract being entered into. Where a contract has not been entered into, the Court may order the setting aside of the award decision or order the authority to amend any document and may award damages. If the contract has been entered into the Court may, depending on the circumstances, award damages, make a declaration of ineffectiveness, order the Authority to pay a fine, and/or order that the duration of the contract be shortened. The purpose of the standstill period referred to above is to allow the parties to apply to the Courts to set aside the award decision before the contract is entered into.
VI.4.3) Iestādes, kur var saņemt informāciju par pārsūdzību iesniegšanu: