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UNESCO World Heritage Committee to become acquainted with construction of controversial Riga high-rise : - par būvniecību Latvijā

UNESCO World Heritage Committee to become acquainted with construction of controversial Riga high-rise

The 27th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee begins today and will continue through July 5 in Paris during which time the committee will become acquainted with the construction of the office complex "Sun Stone" in Riga, as LETA was told by Baiba Grinvalde from the State Cultural Monument Protection Inspection.

The 27th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee begins today and will continue through July 5 in Paris during which time the committee will become acquainted with the construction of the office complex "Sun Stone" in Riga, as LETA was told by Baiba Grinvalde from the State Cultural Monument Protection Inspection.

Juris Dambis, the head of the State Cultural Monuments Protection Inspection, and Dace Neiburga, secretary general of the UNESCO Latvian national commission, will participate in the session.

The issues concerning the World Heritage List, budget of the World Heritage Fund, possibilities of increasing the influence of the World Heritage Convention and other will be on the agenda of the session.

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