Up and away with wood
Wood is taking over the cities – and not only in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. With demand for living space in central urban locations on the increase and building ground in distinctly short supply, timber construction opens up new possibilities of satisfying the growing demand. The present and future of modern timber construction are on display at the ROOF+TIMBER International, the specialist trade fair for the European carpentry trade. In Hall 7 of the Cologne Exhibition Centre on 18-21 February 2014, you will find a wide range of machines and materials for use in timber element construction, wood facades, storey addition, CAD planning, all types of insulation, and wooden building renovation.
Munich/Cologne, 31.10.2013 – New multiple-storey buildings made from timber are still something of a rarity. Far greater potential is available from consolidating existing constructions by building extensions, filling structural spaces, performing modernisations and adding extra storeys, all of which represent interesting activities for timber construction companies. As a building material, wood offers a wide range of benefits: it allows a high level of prefabrication and can be installed quickly without unduly disturbing the neighbourhood; it satisfies stringent fire-safety requirements, constitutes a small superimposed load and is sustainable.
More than 70 exhibitors will be displaying their independent and complete overview of materials in Hall 7 – which is primarily devoted to timber – over a space of 12,500 square metres, around the size of two football fields. These include suppliers of timber-frame and prefabricated house elements, wood- fibre panels (OSB, HDF and MDF), joinery machines for wood working, wood composite elements, and prefabricated building sections and roof truss constructions made of timber. "The range of products on offer is tailored precisely to the requirements of carpenters and timber construction companies. Visitors to the exhibition will obtain a complex collage of ideas for use in their building projects from all areas of the international timber construction market," explains Dieter Dohr, chairman of the managing board at GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH. "Our concept of what is relevant to wood is somewhat narrower than at other trade events. We concentrate on those products that carpenters and wood workers really need. For this reason, you will not find such things as metal fixtures for furniture, veneers, or surface coatings such as paints, varnishes and wood stains in the profile of the ROOF+TIMBER International." All in all, more than 450 exhibitors1 are expected at the ROOF+TIMBER International, which will be of interest not only to carpenters but also to roofers and metal roofers.
Prestigious companies in the field of timber construction who will be present at the event include Ante, Binder Holz, Hundegger, Haas Fertigbau, Holzwerke Ladenburger, Klenk Holz, KLH Massivholz GmbH, Kronoply, Merk Timber GmbH, Pfeifer Group and Stephan Holzbau. Wood for roofs and facades The product depth relating to the theme of building extra storeys will reflect its increased importance at the 2014 event. The wood construction systems on display at the ROOF+TIMBER International are suitable for a wide area of applications, thanks to their high level of sturdiness combined with low weight.
These range from replacing roof trusses and raising knee walls to creating a multiple storey, overarching structure beneath which the existing building functions as nothing more than a base. The use of wood in horizontal and vertical extensions of existing buildings frequently necessitates modernisation of the existing inadequate facades.
Further information about facade cladding – knowledge of which is just as important to carpenters and woodworkers as such things as roofing materials and lighting – of interest to wood specialists is also available at the Facade Forum (Hall 9), whose themes include rear-ventilated facades. In addition to the structural-physical characteristics of the facade elements, a central theme of the daily presentations will be the structural join between the supporting outside wall and the facade cladding, i.e. the substructure. The specialists at the forum will receive comprehensive information about the various materials available and the particular advantages that wood offers for substructures.
1An updated list of exhibitors will be available online from the end of November.
Wooden facades also play an important role at the Architects Day (Thursday, 20 February 2014). Among other things, Prof. Maximilian Rimmel will present the 'Interims Audimax' (Garching by Munich), which was designed by his bureau, whose facade displays a silver-anthracite shimmer that varies in intensity depending on the incidence of the light. What is special about this timber-skeleton university building is also its sawn-edge, black-stained rhomboid formwork made from spruce, that gives the outer shell its corrugated appearance.
Rimmel is only one of several speakers who will be taking part in the Architects Day, whose motto is 'wood to the power of three'. Other renowned architects from home and abroad will also be speaking about their timber building designs. For example, Prof. Rossi Prodi from Italy will present his four wooden nine-storey buildings in the Via Cenni (Milan), and the Swiss Martin Antemann (Blumer Lehmann) will be talking about the buildings he designed together with the architect Shigeru Ban (e.g. the Tamedia administrative building). All presentations will be translated simultaneously to German or English.
More news from the roof and timber industry is available now for anyone who would like additional information. Moreover, our new Twitter-Account account: www.twitter.com/dachundholz presents all the latest information about the exhibition.
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Dr Patrik Hof, Head of Press and Public Relations
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