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Violations of fire-prevention norms could be reason for fire in Cesvaine Castle : - par būvniecību Latvijā

Violations of fire-prevention norms could be reason for fire in Cesvaine Castle

Analyzing the situation at Cesvaine Castle after the fire, the State Cultural Monument Protection Inspection ascertained that the reason for the fire most believably was non-observance of fire-prevention norms.

Analyzing the situation at Cesvaine Castle after the fire, the State Cultural Monument Protection Inspection ascertained that the reason for the fire most believably was non-observance of fire-prevention norms.

The inspection's head Juris Dambis informed that the inspection's specialists have also found out that regulations for conservation of cultural monuments were disregarded in building the new attic and providing for fire-prevention norms in installing new wood constructions and chimneys.

The State Cultural Monument Protection has granted LVL 7,000 for Cesvaine Castle from the program for rescuing cultural monuments, LETA was informed by Dambis.

As LETA was told by the deputy head at the State Cultural Monument Protection Inspection, Janis Asaris, experts are currently operating in the castle in order to determine damages caused by the fire, conduct an additional analysis and draw up instructions for future work.

As reported, the fire in Cesvaine Castle, one of the finest examples of Tudor neo-renaissance architecture in Latvia, began early Thursday (December 5) most likely due to a damaged flue and the incompetence in stoking the furnace.

An inspection at the scene showed that a report on violations of fire safety regulations at the castle, ascertained during an inspection on August 20 this year, had been disregarded, Aivars Straume, the head of the State Fire and Rescue Service, told LETA. Inspectors had ordered cleaning the flues and installation of a fire alarm system at the castle, which was not done.

Overall, 16 various violations were ascertained during the inspection at the Cesvaine Castle in August, many of them had not been dealt with for a long time.

Kaspars Martinsons LETA
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