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Juridiskie pakalpojumi :

Juridiskie pakalpojumi

P-Lisabona: Ēku celtniecības darbi

Dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņš - 06.04.2009. Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts: Empreitada por preço global relativa à construção do Centro Operacional de Correios do Norte, incluindo trabalhos preparatórios e acessórios, nomeadamente estaleiro, AVAC, instalações eléctricas e de comunicações, enquadramento paisagístico, entre outros definidos no Caderno de Encargos.

D-Hanovera: Cauruļvadu nomaiņas darbi

Dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņš - 03.04.2009. Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts: Detailplanung, Engineering, Lieferung, betriebsfertige Montage und Inbetriebnahme von Hoch-, Mittel- und Niederdruckrohrleitungen sowie Komponenten (Pumpen, Wärmeüberträger, u.s.w.) komplett einschließlich aller erforderliche Armaturen sowie örtlichen Meßstellen für eine neue Gas- und eine neue Dampfturbine im Heizkraftwerk Linden der Stadtwerke Hannover AG ...

NO-Bergen: Pamatskolas celtniecības darbi

Dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņš - 03.04.2009. Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts: The contract is for works for the expansion and alteration of Søråshøgda school. Approx. 3 400 m² expansion and approx. 1 370 m² of alterations. The existing pavilion of 220 m² shall be demolished. The works are planned to start in week 23 in 2009. The new building is to be completed ...

NO-Kleppestø: Ēku rekonstrukcija

Dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņš - 15.04.2009. Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts: Reconstruction of the existing nursing home to 30 resident rooms, kitchen, wardrobes as well as outdoor areas. The existing building shall be partly demolished so that only concrete structures are remained. New facades, roof, roof structure, new resident rooms with bathrooms, etc. shall be constructed. The building will be ...

IS-Reykjavik: Ēku instalācijas darbi

Dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņš - 21.04.2009. Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts: The project comprises the civil works for and the laying of a 3 phase 132kV cable from the Geothermal Power Plant at Nesjavellir to Geitháls which is a distance of appr. 25 km. Geitháls is on the outskirts of Reykjavík and Nesjavellir are appr. 35 km from Reykjaví...

CH-Zofingue: Ar celtniecību saistītie pakalpojumi

Dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņš - 31.03.2009. Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts: Un élargissement à six voies doit être réalisé sur la route nationale N01 entre les échangeurs de Luterbach et de Härkingen. Quelque 20 km sont concernés par cet aménagement. Parallèlement, les parties des installations existantes et qui seront encore utilisées doivent être remises en é...

NO-Oslo: Remonta un apkopes pakalpojumi

Dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņš - 31.02.2009. Īss līguma vai iepirkuma(-u) apraksts: Oslo municipality c/o the Development and Competence Department, department for group procurements and efficiency (hereafter called the awarding authority) invite companies to an open tender competition for a framework agreement for glazier services for Oslo municipality^apostrofs;s entities. All the municipality^apostrofs;s entities will be ...